Modern Middle Eastern History Minor
European-World History Minor
United States History Minor
Modern History Minor
History Courses (HIST)
Department of History School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor: J. Edwards Associate Professors: D. Blanks, M. Reimer (Chair), J. Thompson Assistant Professors: M. Rieker, S. Winger, M. Sedgwick
The Department of History offers and administers a major in Modern History, and minors in Modern History, Modern Middle Eastern History, European-World History, and in United States History.
Bachelor of Arts
Programs in history administered by the Department of History aim to introduce students to a range of European, American and Middle Eastern history topics. The choice of course offerings is designed to allow students flexibility within the major, while the emphasis on the modern era seeks to provide students with a sound foundation for the understanding of the contemporary world. Where courses are cross-listed students should register with the department indicated in bold type.
History is based on the conviction that we cannot understand the present unless we understand the past. As the pace of change accelerates, it becomes increasingly important to analyze and understand the origins of new world systems. History therefore is the study of past human endeavor in all its aspects, scientific, artistic, philosophic, as well as political, economic and social. Historians are trained to evaluate a wide variety of differently recorded evidence and to seek new sources in ways that are adaptable to the understanding of history unfolding around us.
The objective of the Modern History major is to introduce students to the practice of history, and to train them in its philosophy and methodology. In doing so this major aims to give students the intellectual tools with which to approach these goals, together with an understanding of the complexity of the past. The skills of analysis, critical thinking and succinct synthesis which the study of history demands, give students a solid foundation both for advanced academic work in a variety of disciplines, and for entry into major professions such as law, diplomacy, and politics, as well as commercial and business enterprises.
A total of 120 credits is required for a bachelor's degree in Modern History. |
Core Curriculum (40 credits) |
Concentration Requirements (36 credits)
202 |
History of Modern American Civilization, 3 cr. |
204 |
Early Modern Europe, 3 cr. |
205 |
Europe in the Age of Revolution and Reform(1789-1914), 3 cr. |
206 |
Global Politics in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
355 |
History of the Middle East, 1700-1900 A.D., 3 cr. |
356 |
History of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
Four of the following, including one European or American course, and one Middle Eastern history course. The course may be repeated if topic changes
401 |
Selected Topics in the History of the United States, 3 cr. |
402 |
Selected Topics in European History, 3 cr. |
410 |
Selected Topics in Modern European Imperialism, 3 cr. |
411 |
Selected Topics in British History , 3 cr. |
412 |
Selected Topics in Modern Egyptian History, 3 cr. |
454 |
Modern Movements in Islam, 3 cr. |
462 |
Selected Topics in the History of the Modern Middle East, 3 cr. |
Two additional courses from any of the history courses (HIST).
Electives: 44 credits, to be selected in consultation with a history faculty advisor. |
Modern Middle Eastern History Minor
The minor in the field of Modern Middle Eastern History is designed to provide students with a substantive introduction to the making of the modern Middle East from the mid-eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth century.
Requirements (15 credits):
355 |
History of the Middle East, 1700-1900 A.D., 3 cr. |
356 |
History of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
and three of the following:
205 |
Europe in the Age of Revolution and Reform (1789-1914), 3 cr. |
410 |
Modern European Imperialism, 3 cr. |
454 |
Modern Movements in Islam |
462 |
Selected Topics in the History of the Modern Middle East., 3 cr. |
European-World History Minor
The student in this minor gains an understanding of the main themes in the development of European society and culture including its roots in, and relations with, other civilizations from ancient to modern times. |
Requirements (15 credits):
Students in this minor will take three 200-level courses as well as two courses at the 300 and/or 400 level. Courses offered include:
203 |
Western Civilization from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, 3 cr. |
204 |
Early Modern Europe, 3 cr. |
205 |
Europe in the Age of Revolution and Reform (1789-1914), 3 cr. |
206 |
Global Politics in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
307 |
The Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Reformation, 3 cr. |
308 |
Europe in the Age of Reason, 3 cr. |
402 |
Selected Topics in European History, 3 cr. |
United States History Minor
This minor focuses on the United States and the nature of its democratic development from America's colonial experience in the eighteenth century, through the crisis of the Civil War, to America's position as a world leader in the twentieth century. |
Requirements (15 credits):
Students in this minor will take:
209 |
Introduction to American Studies, 3 cr. |
401 |
Selected Topics in the History of the United States, 3 cr. |
plus two of the following courses:
201 |
History of American Civilization to the Nineteenth Century, 3 cr. |
202 |
History of Modern American Civilization, 3 cr. |
206 |
Global Politics in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
309 |
The Pursuit of Liberty, 3 cr. |
In addition, students should choose one American literature course from the following English and Comparative Literature offerings: ECLT 308, ECLT 311. |
Modern History Minor
This minor acquaints students with major forces and events of the American, European and Middle Eastern worlds of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. |
Requirements (15 Credits):
206 |
Global Politics in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
356 |
History of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century, 3 cr. |
Plus three of the following:
205 |
Europe in the Age of Revolution and Reform (1789-1914), 3 cr. |
355 |
History of the Modern Middle East, 1700-1900 A.D., 3 cr. |
402 |
Selected Topics in European History, 3 cr. |
462 |
Selected Topics in Modern Middle Eastern History, 3 cr. |
History Courses (HIST) |