The American University in Cairo

Open Source Hardware Lab


  • Prof. Mohamed Shalan
  • Manar Abdelatty: Fault
  • Mohamed Gaber: CloudV, Fault and DFFRAM


  • Standard Cell Library based Memory Compiler using DFF cells. Github
  • Fault
  • Fault is a complete open source design for testing (DFT) Solution that includes automatic test pattern generation for netlists, scan chain stitching, synthesis scripts and a number of other convenience features. Github
  • CloudV
  • A cloud-based IDE for digital ASIC design. CloudV provides: online collaboration, design capture, digital simulation, RTL synthesis and FPGA implementation features. Open
  • SoCGen
  • No man in the loop SoC generator. SoCGen automates SoC design through taking JSON input and generating verilog HDL for the SoC. SoCGen supports AMBA AHB-Lite for the high-speed (main) bus and APB for the low speed peripherals bus. Github

Recent Publications:

  1. Manar Abdelatty, Mohamed Gaber and Mohamed Shalan, "Fault: Open-Source EDA’s Missing DFT Toolchain," IEEE Design & Test ( Volume: 38, Issue: 2, April 2021)
  2. Tim Edwards and Mohamed Shalan, "Real Silicon Using Open-Source EDA", IEEE Design & Test ( Volume: 38, Issue: 2, April 2021)
  3. Mohamed Shalan and Tim Edwards, “Building OpenLANE: A 130nm OpenROAD-based Tapeout-Proven Flow,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2020
  4. Ahmed Ghazy and Mohamed Shalan “OpenLANE: The Open-Source Digital ASIC Implementation Flow,” Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET), 2020 [won: 3rd best Open-Source EDA tool]
  5. Habiba Gamal, Amr Gouhar and Mohamed Shalan, “A Push-button Idea to GDS-II SoC Design Flow,” Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET), 2020
  6. Mohamed Gaber, Manar Abdelatty and Mohamed Shalan, “Fault, an Open Source DFT Toolchain,” Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET2019), San Diego, November 2019
  7. Habiba Hassanien, Fady Abo El Magd, Ali El-Said and Mohamed Shalan, “OGRE: Open-Source Global Router,” Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET2019), San Diego, November 2019
  8. Mohamed Shalanand Sherief Reda, “Open-source SoC Workflow in Cloud V,” Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET2018), San Diego, November 2018 [2nd best Open-Source EDA tool]
  9. Mohamed Shalan and Sherief Reda, “Cloud-Based RISC-V SoC design and Co-simulation”, 7th RISC-V Workshop, Milpitas, California, November 28-30, 2017
  10. Mohamed Shalan and Sherief Reda, “CloudV: A Cloud-Based Educational Digital Design Environment," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE), Banff, Canada, pp. 39- 42, May 11th-12th, 2017.