Egyptian Labor Market Survey (ELMS)
Collaborating institutions
The Economic Research Forum (ERF) and the Central Agency for
Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS)
Funding for this project came from the Ford Foundation, the
Economic Policy Initiative Consortium (EPIC), and the World Bank
Related publications
Zibani, 1999
Contact person
Ragui Assaad
For more details
Based on the data collected in the October 1988
round of the LFSS (Labor Force Sample Survey ) as a baseline for
the study, this survey aimed to assess the major changes in labor
market conditions that occurred during the period from 1988 to
1998, a period of significant economic reform and structural
adjustment. A major objective of the project was to assess the
impact of structural adjustment .....
The Egypt Labor Market Survey is a
national-representative household survey covering 5,000
households. These households were selected from a CAPMAS master
sample prepared in 1995. The master sample consists of 750,000
households in 500 primary sampling units (PSUs) each consisting of
1500 households. Since the master sample is the basis for the
survey sample, we find it necessary to start by explaining how the
master sample was extracted in the first place.
The master sample was extracted through a
two-stage process. The country was first divided into two strata :
urban and rural. Each stratum was in turn divided into substrata
representing each governorate. All the villages (in the case of
rural strata) or shiyakhas (urban quarter, in the case of urban
strata) in each substratum were listed and assigned a weight based
on their population. The first stage consisted of choosing the
villages and shiyakhas that would be represented in the sample
based on the principal of probability proportional to size. This
meant that a shiyakha or a village is possibly selected more than
once if its warrants that. The selected shiyakha and village are
then divided into PSUs of approximately 1500 housing units each;
then one or more PSUs are selected from each shiyakha or village.
The selected PSUs were then re-listed in 1995 to enumerate all the
households selected. As for the ELMS survey sample, 200 PSUs were
selected from the master sample. The desired number of PSUs in
each substratum was selected from the number available in the
master sample using a systematic interval. Cairo and Alexandria
were deliberately over-sampled and rural areas under-sampled to
increase the probability of obtaining women wage-workers in the
private sector, which tend to be concentrated in Metropolitan
areas. A self-weighted sample would have yielded too few of these
individuals, which constitute an important target group for this
Twenty- five housing units were then randomly
selected from the 1500 housing units listed in each of the
selected PSUs.
Data collection and implementation of the health component of
the survey extended for two months (November 1,1998 to December
20, 1998). |