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Globalization imposes on developing countries certain reform and adjustment programs in order to improve their competitiveness and degree of integration into the world economy, as explained above.

Structural adjustment is one of the main facets of globalization within developing countries. The conceptual framework of the impact of economic policies on women lies in the writings that find that the choice of policy instruments in ERSAP and their impacts are all male biased. ERSAP concentrates mainly on macro-economic policies to reallocate resources as to achieve both stability and growth rather than on micro economic issues and gender differentiation.

However we believe that three socio-economic factors are responsible for the male bias of ERSAP:

Sexual division of labor
mplying that some kind of the work is socially constituted as women's work, while other kind of work is considered as men's work. Thus gender barriers are obstacles against the reallocation of labor of different sexes from one kind of work to the other that might accompany ERSAP.

Examples of "Women's Work"


Loom Weaving


Girls Sewing


Pottery Making


Woman Sewing


Neglect of unpaid domestic work necessary for producing human resources and the neglect of unpaid work outside the household
It is the neglect of unpaid work inside and outside the house. The explicit exclusion of this work by economic policies will lead to the sub-ordination of women to men. As long as the necessary resources for these programs were not taken into consideration women's capacity to reproduce and maintain human resources has to extend to overcome any shortcomings. However after a certain time women's capacity may collapse and this will be reflected on women's health and nutrition status.

Neglect of the activities of women in the household
This factor deals with whether ERSAP is adding to the women's responsibility within the household without adding to the resources women require to undertake her responsibilities or not?


More Resources

Tzannatos, Zafiris (1998) "Women and Labor Market Changes in the Global Economy: Growth Helps, Inequalities Hurt and Public Policy Matters" (New York : World Bank)


Omran,Mohammrd(2001) "Testing for the Significant Change in the Egyptian Economy under the Economic Reform Programme Era" Paper presented to WIDER Development Conference on "Debt Relief"  17-18 August 2001 (Helsinki : Finland)

Baden,Sally(1993) "The impact of recession and  structural adjustment on women's work in selected developing countries" Report prepared for the Interdepartmental Project on "Equality for Women in Employment" (Geneva: International Labour Office)
Nassar, Heba (1997) Impact of Economic Changes on Women’s Work. A paper presented in the Conference on "Increase in the Contribution of Women in Work” (Alexandria: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Ministry of Labor and Migration)

ILO.(2001) ."National Workshop Report on: Gender and Employment in the context of Economic Reform in Egypt" (Cairo : ILO)

Gladwin, C., 1993, "Women and structural adjustment in a global economy" in Gallin, R., Ferguson, A. and Harper, J. (eds), 1993, The Women and International Development Annual, Vol 3 (San Francisco: Westview Press)
Betcherman, Gordon (2002) "An Overview of Labor Markets World-Wide: Key Trends and Major Policy Issues" (New York: World Bank)