Center Director
Research Faculty
Abdel Maksoud, Nashwa Accountant
Mahmoud, Hanan Accountant
Soliman, Gunilla Assistant to Director
Researchers and Research Assistants
Field Support
Application Development and Computer Support
Director of the Social Research Center |
Rashad, Hoda |
Dr. Hoda Rashad, has a Ph.D. in population studies from the
University of London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine in 1977. She is the director and Research Professor
in the Social Research Center of the American University in
Cairo, Member of the Senate (El Shoura Council), one of the
two parliamentary bodies in Egypt, Also, serving on
different councils in Egypt. She is a resource person and
consultant to a number of regional and international
She served as a resource person to UNICEF/Gulf office to
coordinate the preparation of Gulf country reports on:
“Situation Analysis of Children”. The reports are the base
documents for developing the UNICEF Programme of Cooperation
with the Governments of the Gulf countries.
Dr. Rashad previously worked as a faculty member at the
Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo
University, and as an associate of the International
Population Council and Chief Technical Advisor of the United
She was a Member of the Commission on Social Determinants of
Health established by WHO (2005 -2008), the Commission
produced its final report identifying a number of social
policies and actions to achieve health equity.
Her Current research interests include social policies for
development – (particularly for poverty alleviation, health
equity and women's empowerment), gender issues, reproductive
health, demographic analysis and evaluation of impact of
health intervention. Current responsibilities include
directing the substantive program of the Social Research
Center (SRC), fund raising and overseeing the execution of
SRC grants (A typical cycle of 3 years, will include an
average of 30 grants with a budget of around $4 millions) as
well as active participation in research.
Dr. Rashad has numerous publications on health equity and
social policies. Her forthcoming publication is "Knowledge
Gaps: The Agenda for Research and Action” in I. Nuwayhid, M.
Khawaja, S. Jabbour and R. Giacaman (eds) Public Health in
the Arab World. Cambridge Press..

Research Faculty
Ayeb, Habib
Habib Ayeb, born in Tunisia,
is a geographer, researcher at the SRC (Social Research
Center) at the AUC (American University in Cairo) in Egypt.
His domains of researches are water issues, social changes,
access to resources, poverty and marginality… He is
conducting comparative research in Egypt, Tunisia and India
on “competitions over agricultural, rural and environmental
resources and marginalisation of small farmers”.
Habib Ayeb worked in several different institutions
including the Ministry of Agriculture in Tunisia, the
University of Paris 8-St Denis, CEDEJ (Centre d’Etudes et de
Documentation Juridiques et Sociales), IRD (Institute of
Research for Development) and from 2006 till now the SRC
(Social Research Center).
Habib Ayeb is also interested and has published several
studies on poverty, marginalization, environment,
biodiversity, food sovereignty and broader human rights,
including rights to the environment and natural and manmade
resources: Among these published works:Books:
2010 Ayeb H, La crise de la société rurale en Egypte ou la
fin du fellah ? Paris. Karthala.
2009 Ayeb H. & RUF T., Water, Poverty and Social Crises;
(CD). Paris. IRD.
1998, Ayeb H., L’eau au Proche-Orient : la guerre n’aura pas
lieu. CEDEJ - KARTHALA, Paris. June 1998.
• Member of the: Ecole Doctorale Sciences Sociales "Milieux,
Cultures et Sociétés du Passé et du Présent". Université de
Paris Ouest-Nanterre (Phd Supervisor)
• Member of the International Advisory Board of The Journal
of Peasant Studies
• Founding Member of the Rural Network MEDME (Mediterranean
and Middle East).
Hamed, Ramadan |
Dr. Ramadan Hamed received his Ph.D. in statistics from Cairo
University in 1987. He is Professor in the Department of
Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science,
Cairo University, and Research Professor at the Social
Research Center, American University in Cairo, Egypt.
He is the Director of the Center for Surveys and Statistical
Applications, Cairo University and served as Deputy Director
for El-Zanaty & Associated for Studies, Research and
Consultation that conducted the different rounds of Egypt
Demographic and Health Survey. He has over 30 years
experience in surveys (both quantitative and qualitative)
design, supervision and analysis. His experience includes;
Survey design and plan, sample design and selection,
instruments development, (questionnaires, in depth
interviews guides, focus groups guides, etc…), training,
field work coordination, statistical data analysis, writing
reports and scientific papers, and preparing presentations.
Dr. Hamed has been principal investigator of many projects
that have been conducted with collaboration with World Bank,
Ford Foundation, AID, John Snow, Population Council as well
as several Ministries; Ministry of Investment, Ministry of
Communications and Information, Ministry of Public Water and
As a Professor in the Department of Statistics, Faculty of
Economics and Political Science, Dr. Hamed has extensive
teaching background for students enrolled undergraduate and
Postgraduate degrees.
His research interests include education, family planning,
reproductive health, Investment, environment, agriculture
and others. E-mail:
El-Hefnawy, Aly
Dessouky El-Hefnawy received his Ph. D. in statistics from
Cairo University in 1999. He is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Political
Science, Cairo University. His current research interests are
in multivariate statistical analysis, missing data problems,
data envelopment analysis and mathematical programming. He is
working at SRC on the project to monitor efforts to eradicate
female illiteracy in Egypt.
Khadr, Zeinab |
Dr. Zeinab A. Khadr is a Ph.D. holder in Demography, from
University of Michigan since 1997. She has been working in
SRC since 1998. Currently, she is an Associate Research
Professor in SRC and an Associate Professor at the
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Political
Science, Cairo University.
Dr. Khadr has extensive teaching experience in the following
fields; demography, sampling, descriptive statistics,
multivariate analysis, health equity, research methodology
and population development.
At the SRC, Dr. Khadr has been the Principal Investigator of
several research projects including “Marriage and Family
Formation among the Youth in Egypt,” ”Urban Inequity,”
“Social Determinants of health and health equity in the Arab
region” and “Health Equity and integrated health and poverty
alleviation policies.” She has also been the local Principal
Investigator on the project on “Validation of Gender
Differences in Disability and Care. “
Dr. Khadr was also the Principal Investigator in the
organization of a seminar on health inequity: Current
knowledge and new approaches. She was the Chair of
Scientific Panel of the International Union for Scientific
Studies on Population (IUSSP) on “Health equity and policy
in the Arab World.”
Her research interests include measuring health disparities,
family arrangement in older ages, and development of urban
areas. Among her latest publications "Using GIS in
Constructing Area-based Physical Deprivation Index in Cairo
Governorate, Egypt" and "Monitoring Socioeconomic Inequity
in Maternal Health Indicators in Egypt: 1995 -2005". Email: zeinabk@aucegypt.edu
Langsten, Ray |
Ray Langsten received his Ph.D. in sociology at the University
of Michigan in 1980. He has been an Associate Research
Professor at SRC since 1988, studying the impact of child
and maternal health initiatives supported by USAID and the
Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population.
He has worked as a consultant for Family Health
International and the Population Council, the Middle East
and North Africa Regional Offices of the Ford Foundation,
and for the Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Turkey offices of UNICEF;
he has also participated in population projects in
Bangladesh and Brazil.
Dr. Langsten has been the principal investigator for a
number of large longitudinal surveys (6 - 10 thousand
households), and have developed data entry and management
systems to process and analyze data efficiently. Recently he
has worked on projects using innovative methods of
integrating quantitative and qualitative data.
His main research interests are in program evaluation and
initiative assessment.
His teaching interests are: Demography, Research Methods,
Maternal and Child Health, Statistics. Email:
Mehanna, Sohair |
Mehanna received her M.A.L.D. in political science at the
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in
1973. She has been a member of SRC professional staff since
1963, where she is now Research Associate and Director of
Field Work Operations. She has a long experience in all phases
of social science field research in Egypt. Her areas of
specialization are the design and implementation of surveys
and qualitative research including focus groups, case studies
and in-depth interviews. Her main areas of research interest
are health issues, women’s issues, family planning and
environmental issues.
Recent publications
and conference papers.
Email: mehannas@aucegypt.edu
Faten |
Faten Abd El-Fattah received her PhD in economics from Ain
Shams University in 2003. She is an Assistant Research
Professor at the Social Research Center of the American
University in Cairo. Her current research interests are
gender, reproductive health, and child and women issues. She
is working on the project to monitor efforts to evaluate
investment climate in Egypt. She was the Assistant Director
of the “2000 Egyptian Demographic Health Survey”, and
“Health Expenditure Project” “Maternal Morbidity in Menufia
Governorate”. She also acts as a consultant for National
Council for Women (NCW), Population Council, Healthy Mother
/Healthy Child project and UNICEF. She was the project
coordinator for many surveys on child health, reproductive
health and advocacy projects.
Nassar, Heba |
Heba Nassar
received her Ph.D. in economics from Cairo University in 1983,
through the channel system with Cologne University. She joined SRC as Associate Research Professor in 1993. In September 1998
she was appointed director of the Center for Economic and
Financial Research Studies, Faculty of Economics and Political
Science, Cairo University, where she is also Professor of
Economics. She has also taught at the Cairo Demographic Center
and the Department of Economics at AUC. She has acted as a
consultant for WHO, UNFPA, UNESCWA, UNICEF, the Ministries of
Health in Egypt, Kuwait and Bahrain, the Center for Human
Services, USAID, Petrich Associates and the Netherlands
Cooperation Programme. Her research interests include human
resource development and economic integration. Recent publications.
Nour Eldien,
Mohamed |
Mohamed Nour Eldien received his Ph.D. in Geographic
Information System (GIS) and Computer Science from Louis
Pasture University, France in 2001. Currently, he is
Assistant Professor in the Department of Information System,
Faculty of Computer and Information, Cairo University. He
joined SRC as a Research Assistant Professor, working on the
project “Supporting, Monitoring & Evaluating Female
Illiteracy eradication effort in Egypt”. Since then, he has
worked in a variety of projects as the lead member in GIS
and IT project components. His main research interests are
in information system, GIS, database design, software
engineering and web design.
He has distinctive activities in E-learning including:
leading a team to developing the E-learning courses of a one
year diploma in E-learning in the Open University Center of
Cairo University since September 2009. The site for the
E-learning diploma is http://itechnology.fci.cu.edu.eg/.
Dr. Nour was invited by the ISESCO to evaluate the
utilization of the E-learning and web technology in the
Arabic and Islamic countries (The first time in Cairo from
27 to 31 October 2007, the second time in Rabat - Kingdom of
Morocco from 15 to 16 November 2007).
He Taught a short course named "How to Develop Your Course
in E-learning Environment" for three groups in the "Arab
Council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research,
Cairo". In 2008 and 2009.
Cairo University has targeted 10% of its courses to be
transferred into e-learning and accordingly Dr. Nour was
chosen as an E-learning Supreme Committee Member of Cairo
University to test and approve the e-learning courses of all
faculties in 2006-2007.
He was an Invited speaker in the Fifth International
Conference in Internet Education, "Evolution of E-Learning
in Egyptian Universities," The Human and Technology
Development Foundation, Cairo, Sep. 2006.
He is one of the team working on establishing an E-learning
Center in Faculty of Computer and Information at Cairo
University since 2003.
Also, Dr. Nour has developed four e-courses since 2004;
Internet Technology, Geographic Information System, Design
of Information Systems, Multimedia database in Tempus and
HEEPF Projects.
Saad, Reem |
Reem Saad received
her D.Phil. in social anthropology from the University of
Oxford in 1994; her thesis title was “Peasants’ Perception of
recent Egyptian history”. Her research interests include rural
Egypt, historical anthropology, issues of public culture and
ethnographic film. She was the Ioma Evans-Pritchard Junior
Research Fellow at St. Anne’s College, Oxford, 1993/95. At SRC
she is Associate Research Professor. She is the author of a
monograph and a number of articles on village and peasant in
contemporary Egypt. She has participated as an anthropologist
on the BBC documentary “Marriage Egyptian Style”, 1992, and as
assistant director on the documentary “Four Women of Egypt”,
produced by the Canadian National Film Board,
Email: reemsaad@aucegypt.edu
El Saadani,
Somaya |
Dr. Somaya EL-Saadani, is a Ph.D. holder in demography since
1993. Dr. Somaya El-Saadani is Associate Research Professor
at the Social Research Center (SRC) and Associate Professor
of Demography at the Department of Demography and
Biostatistics, Institute of Statistical Studies and
Research, Cairo University.
She is the Coordinator of the academic course “Monitoring
and Evaluation Research with Applications on Poverty
Alleviation Program” Provided by Social Research Center and
the School of Public Policy and Administration.
Being an associate professor of demography and biostatistics
at the Institute of Statistical Studies and Research (ISSR)
in Cairo University, Dr. El Saadani has extensive teaching
background for students enrolled in Diploma, Master and
Doctoral degrees. Currently she teaches the following
courses; advanced topics in migration, advanced topics in
health, morbidity, and mortality, and basic concepts and
measures of health. She had been teaching other demographic
courses such as population models, population dynamics,
introduction to demography, family planning, internal
migration and urbanization, evaluation of data quality,
Dr. El Saadani is a Co-Principal Investigator of Health
Equity and Integrated Health and Poverty Alleviation
Policies project. She is responsible for evaluating the
potential impact of implementing different models of the
integrated social policy approach on reproductive health.
She developed targeting criteria to recruit people living in
extreme poverty in a pilot Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)
program in a slum area (Ein elsira) in Cairo.
She is statistical consultant for advanced statistical
analysis for “The Standing Project on Drug Abuse in Egypt”,
The National Center for Social and Criminological Research,
Egypt and member of the board of consultants for The
National Review of Drug Abuse and Addiction issued by The
National Center for Social and Criminological Research in
collaboration with the National Council for Addressing Drug
Combat and Addiction, Egypt.
Her research interest includes evaluation research with
application on poverty alleviation programs, health,
morbidity, and mortality, reproductive health, social
demography, internal migration and urbanization and poverty
and international migration.
Recently, she has presented "Challenges Facing Health
Insurance Regime and Health Equity in Egypt" in front of the
IUSSP International Seminar on "Social and Health Policies
for Equity: Approaches and Strategies" and her forthcoming
publication is an attempt to determine if the health
insurance system reduces health inequality in Egypt?"
Email: ssaadani@aucegypt.edu
Al Sharmani, Mulki |
Mulki Al-Sharmani is an Assistant Research Professor at
Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo (AUC).
She is also an adjunct teaching faculty at Institute for
Gender and Women Studies, Center for Migration and Refugee
Studies, and Department of Anthropology at AUC. Mulki holds
a doctorate in cultural anthropology from Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Her research
interest/work is on family laws in the Middle East with a
focus on Egypt; forced migration and gender; and child
protection policies in Egypt
Email: mulki@aucegypt.edu
Shawky, Sherine |
Dr. Sherine Shawky is a
medical doctor graduated from Ain Shams University in 1980,
has a Doctorate in Public Health from the Catholic
University of Louvain, Belgium in 1992; MPH in Epidemiology
from the Catholic University of Louvain and MPH in
“Statistics, Epidemiologic and Operational Methods Applied
in Medicine and Public Health” from the Free University of
She has joined SRC as Research Professor in 2003. She was
Associate Professor in Department of Family and Community
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, 1996-2003. She worked as physician at Kigali Central
Hospital and lecturer of Paediatrics in the School of
Assistant Doctors as part of the Egyptian/Rwandan
Cooperation Program, Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
1983-1988. She participated in the continuing medical
education program in Saudi Arabia and in the Super-course web
Tele-prevention program of the University of Pittsburg.
She has participated through video-conferencing in teaching
developing research proposals to trainees enrolled in “The
Middle East Research Ethics Training Initiative (MERETI),
Summer Course 2010”. She is on the board of examiners for
the “Arab Board in Community and family Medicine” provided
by the Arab Board of Medical Specializations, Council of
Arab Health Ministers, Arab League. She is the author of the
chapter on Goal 6 in Egypt National MDGs Monitoring Report
2006 and 2010 and also of the chapter on HIV/AIDS and
sexually transmitted infections in the ICPD+15 National
At SRC, she is the coordinator of the annual 3-month
workshop entitled “Research Methods for Guiding Policy and
Evaluation with Special Application to Population and
Health” and teaches over 50% of its lectures and all the
practical sessions on developing research proposal,
secondary analysis and developing M&E indicators and log
frame. She has developed many educational material related
to research methods, measuring inequities in health,
HIV/AIDS surveillance and program evaluation. She has worked
and published extensively on many health issues including
prenatal health, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS and
hepatitis C.
Email: Shshawky@aucegypt.edu
El-Sheneity, Sahar |
Dr. Sahar El-Sheneity had her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Statistics
from Cairo University in 1990 and 1995 respectively. She had
her Ph.D. in Statistics from Cornell University in 2003.
Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at Cairo
University, School of Economics and Political Sciences
(Department of Statistics). Also, she is an Assistant
Research Professor at the Social Research Center (SRC) of
the American University in Cairo (AUC).
After graduating from Cairo University, she held the
position of a Teaching Assistant at the Department of
Statistics for introductory courses in statistics and
mathematics, regression models, random sampling, demography,
applied statistics, and experiment design.
She worked on her M.Sc. thesis on analyzing differentials in
infant mortality in Egypt using hazard models. Besides
working as a teaching assistant, she worked at several
research centers in Egypt; Al-Mishkat center for research
and the Social Research Center (SRC) at the American
University in Cairo (AUC). In both centers, she worked at a
variety of research topics in population research; infant
and child mortality, child labor, education, poverty, gender
differentials, etc…
During the academic year 2004/2005, she was a Visiting
Researcher at the Office of Population Research (OPR) at
Princeton University where she was trained as a demographer.
She also worked on a research paper focusing on the effects
of prenatal care and breastfeeding on infant mortality in
Egypt using the Egypt IDHS 2003 data. While at Princeton,
she also worked as a statistical programmer on Texas Higher
Education Opportunities Project (THEOP).
Being an Assistant Professor in Cairo University, she has
been teaching courses on design and analysis of experiments,
survival analysis and multivariate analysis.
Dr. El-Sheneity is currently working as an Assistant
Professor at the Social Research Center at the American
university in Cairo. She worked as the principal
investigator of the project on the “Measuring the situation
of women and their living conditions” . Several analytical
reports have been issued using the collected data like
relation between women’s empowerment and their exposure to
spousal violence .
Currently, Dr. El-Sheneity is the Principal Investigator of
a project related to establishing safe communities free from
violence against women and girls. The focus is on the safety
of women and girls in the public sphere. It is a global
project established by UNIFEM.
Email: sahars@aucegypt.edu

Sholkamy, Hania |
Hania Sholkamy is an Egyptian anthropologist with a PhD from
the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, The
University of London. She obtained her BA and MA from the
American University in Cairo (AUC). She is currently
assistant professor at the Social Research Center of the AUC
and is also affiliated with the Forced Migration and Refugee
Studies Program of the university. Prior to her current
position she has held positions with the department of
anthropology of the AUC, has been a Research Associate at
the International Population Council and was the Ioma Evans
Pritchard Junior Research Fellow at St. Anne’s College,
Oxford University. Her research interests and publications
are mainly in the fields of health, particularly
reproductive health, gender, population and qualitative
methods.. She has co-edited two volumes, one titled
Categories and Contexts: Anthropological and Historical
Studies in Critical Demography (OUP) with S. Szreter and A.
Dharmalingam and another titled Health and Identity in Egypt
(AUC press) with F. Ghanam.
She has been a member of various professional associations
including The Reproductive Health Working Group (current),
the Committee on Anthropology and Demography of the
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
(1998-2002) and the Advisory Committee of the Middle East
Awards program of the International Population Council
(2002/3). She is also a member of the executive committee of
the Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies of the AUC, A
fellow of the Economic Research Forum, and a member of the
International Faculty of the Arab Gulf University in
Watts, Susan
Susan Watts received her Ph.D in geography from the University
of Liverpool (UK) in 1983. Since 1991 she has been a
Research Associate at SRC, working on projects on
schistosomiasis and hepatitis C. From 1977 to 1984 she
taught in Nigeria, as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in
Geography at the University of Ilorin. In addition to Egypt
and Nigeria, she has conducted field research in Uganda and
Morocco. She has worked as a consultant for UNICEF, Save the
Children, USAID/WASH, Global 2000, NAMRU-3 and WHO. Her main
research interests are in human behavior and disease
transmission, hygiene behavior, and the linkages between
water, sanitation and health. Recent publications.

Zaky, Hassan |
Dr. Hassan Zaky received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins
University in 1990, School of Hygiene and Public Health,
Department of Population Dynamics, majoring in demography
with double minor in statistics and economics.
He joined SRC since 2000 as a Research professor and has
been working in Africa and the Middle East for the last
nineteen years. Dr. Zaky directed or co-directed several
studies and sample surveys. Main highlights of his past
experience include the position of the assistant director of
the 1992 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. He was also
the director of a project for building a statistical
observatory for the health sector at WHO and evaluating the
health sector reform program of Egypt. He is always involved
in training, capacity building, teaching, report writing,
and providing statistical consultations/advice to
international agencies such as UNFPA, WHO, FAO, etc.
Dr. Zaky is a Professor at the Department of Statistics,
School of Economics and Political Science. He has a rich
experience in teaching both graduate and undergraduate
courses including courses in Demography; Advanced topics in
statistics with applications to social research and Linear
models on the undergraduate level. On the graduate level, he
has taught courses of Mathematical demography and
Econometric models. As a Teaching Assistant in Johns Hopkins
University, he has an experience with additional topics like
Economics of population and its planning; Introduction to
population dynamics; Food policy, health and population in
low-income countries.
Dr. Zaky is the editor and a co-author of a textbook in
demography in Arabic published by the Population Council.
Dr. Zaky has authored many technical reports and published
several articles in peer-reviewed journals and in
proceedings of international conferences focusing on health
and population. He is the editor and senior author of
EGYPT's ICPD+15 report.
His research interests are reproductive health, fertility
plateau in Egypt and other Arab countries and in estimation
of the demographic dividend in Egypt.
Email: hzaky@aucegypt.edu

El Zeini, Laila |
Laila El-Zeini received her Ph. D. in statistics from Cairo
University in 1992. She is currently an Associate Professor
in the Department of Statistics at Cairo University. As an
Associate Professor, she has taught undergraduate courses in
Sampling; Demography; Biostatistics; Categorical Data
Analysis; Decision Analysis; Statistics for Psychologists.
She has also taught graduate courses in Demography
(Population Estimation and Projection; Population Theories
and Models; Survival Analysis). She has also worked as a
lectured in Cairo Demographic Center where she taught
courses of Demography as a Discipline (General Diploma in
Demography); Mortality and Morbidity (Special Diploma in
She has been working since 1995 as an Associate Research
Professor at SRC, where she was the Principal Investigator
of the research project “Towards Policies for Child
Protection: a Field Study to Assess Child Abuse in Deprived
Communities in Egypt.” She was also a contributor to other
research projects like “The New Arab Demography” and” Survey
on Political Participation of Egyptian Women.” She was also
the quality reviewer of research funded through the
Partnership in Development Research Program.
Dr. El-Zeini has an experience as a trainer in the
“Specialist Workshop on Reproductive Health in the Arab
Countries”, “Training Program on Research Methods for Policy
Formulation and Evaluation”, trainer of Interviewers,
“Survey on Fertility and Contraceptive Use of Kuwaiti Women”
and trainer on data analysis using SPSS in Cairo Demographic
Center and the Pan Arab Project for Child Development (PAPCHILD).
Dr. El-Zeini has worked as a consultant for many
organizations including the League of Arab States where she
was a trainer and editor in the Population Research Unit,
Workshop on Evaluation of Data Quality of PAPCHILD Surveys.
She has also been a consultant for the Cairo Demographic
Center, the Gulf Area Office of UNICEF, and the National
Council for Women.
Dr. El-Zeini has worked as a consultant for the Population
Council regional office North Africa and West Asia for the
study on Stalled Fertility Transition in Egypt, and as the
coordinator of the chapter on health in Egypt periodic
report issued by the National Council for Childhood and
Her main research interests include family planning and
reproductive choice, child health, and kinship and family
structure, fertility transition in Egypt and other Arab
countries, and estimation of unwanted fertility.
Email: lelzeini@aucegypt.edu

Abdel Karim, Fatma |
Dalia |
Sabry, Mordefine
Hassan |
Mordefine Hassan Sabry graduated from the
Political Science Department at Cairo University. She has been
working at Cairo Sheraton Hotel in the accounting department,
and before joining the SRC in 1996 she was also an Accountant
in private business. Email:
Soliman, Gunilla

Email: gunilla@aucegypt.edu |
Tawfik, Mona |
Researchers and Research Assistants
Zeinab |
Zeinab Ali
graduated from Cairo University, B.A in Commerce. She is
currently working on a project entitled “The organization of
work in Upper Egypt”. She worked in many projects such as
“Poverty” and “Adolescence and Social Change: Transitions to
Adulthood”. Her responsibilities include field work, coding,
data entry, and data management. Zeinab Ali has been a
research assistant at the Social Research Center from March
1994 to present. Email:
Bakr, Mona |
Mona Bakr a graduate of Economics
Department in 1993 AUC . Joined the Anthropology Department
in 1995 as a graduate student. I worked in the Population
Council as an assistant researcher in the field of Family
planning from 1991-1992. Served in EgyptAir as technical
editor from 1996-2000. Mona joined the SRC in June 2006.
She is
planning to join the graduate program of women and gender
studies in AUC . She believes that her work as an assistant researcher in that
field rose her interest to have more knowledge about that area
of study.
Hebatalla |
Kristina |
Mohammed |
Mohamed's principal responsibility is to prepare the field
logistics for the research projects conducted by SRC,
including participation in the design of interview
schedules, supervision of data collection, and data
processing on numerous projects including: Earthquake,
Poverty, Schistosomiasis, Environmental Changes, Political
Participation, Adolescence, and Patterns of Marriage during
the period from 1992 to 2000. In general, Mohamed is
responsible for assisting in undertaking the administrative
and operational aspects of fieldwork arrangements. In
addition, he provides assistance in coordinating the
qualitative methods and analysis part of the Training
Program in Research Methods and Policy Analysis which is
held annually by the SRC. Also, he has been worked as an
assistant to the coordinator of the Program "Partnership in
Development Research" for five years, helping in managing,
monitoring, and evaluating the research project conducted by
the program, other program responsibilities include
organizing training courses, and development of databases
applications and websites.
Hassan, Tahra |
Tahra Hassan graduated from Cairo University,
B.A of Arts, Mass Communication with a specialization in
Television and Radio; Diploma in International Politics,
Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
She is currently working in a project entitled “Determinants
of Educational Attainment : A Cross-National Household Level
Analysis”. Responsibilities included translation of materials
from Arabic to English; coding; data management; using the
Statistical SPSS Program for Quantitative Analysis and using
the DTSearch Program for Qualitative Analysis. She also worked
as a Research Assistant in numerous projects including
“Perinatal Neonatal mortality”; “Patterns of Marriage Among
Egyptian Youth in Egypt”; “Healthy Mother Healthy Child”; and
“Adolescence and Social Change-Transitions to Adulthood: A
National Survey of Adolescents in Egypt". She has
worked as a Research Assistant at the Social Research Center
from Dec. 1997 to present.

Ibrahim, Amal |
Amal is working as a research assistant in the SRC training
program entitled “Social Science Research Methods for
Guiding Policy and Evaluation”. Her Job Responsibilities
include filing application forms for the course attendees,
carrying out necessary correspondences tasks with possible
attendees, and helping selected attendees during the course.
amalhassan@aucegypt.edu |
Mona |
Mona received her masters degree in demography from Cairo
Demographic Center in 1991. She has experience as a social
researcher, with strong expertise in the design,
development, implementation, analysis and reporting of field
researches. She has extensive expertise in the development
and implementation of structured surveys and is able use a
variety of statistical analysis tools. Furthermore, she has
strong skills in the implementation of qualitative and
participatory research techniques, including in-depth
interviews and focus group discussions. Her main research
interests include gender issues, family planning,
reproductive health, women and development.
Mervat |
Mervat Moussa has graduated from the faculty of Commerce,
Cairo University. She has been working at Cairo Safir Hotel
in the Accounting department. She joined SRC as a research
assistant in 2005.
Eman |
Eman received her master degree in demography from Cairo
Demographic Center in 1989. She has been working since 2000
at SRC. Her main research interests include family planning
,quality of family planning services, reproductive health,
marriage and aging.
Email: emanmost@aucegypt.edu
Salem, Mohamed |
Dr. Mohamed Salem is a Medical Doctor, with Master Degree of
Public Health from the American University in Beirut. He is
specialized in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He has been
working as a researcher at the Social Research Center of the
American University in Cairo since 2008. His research
interest encompasses social epidemiology, social
determinants of health, health disparity, and infectious
disease epidemiology. Dr. Salem is the assistant coordinator
of the annual regional three-month training course "Research
Methods for guiding policy and Evaluation". He is a trainer
and a facilitator of the skills development component in the
same course. Currently, Dr. Salem is involved in evaluating
the impact of poverty alleviation program on women and child
health in Upper Egypt
Email: mes@aucegypt.edu
El Sayed, Amr |
Amr El Sayed has graduated from the faculty of Science, Cairo
University , B.SC. Mathematical Statistics, 1993. He has
also completed the pre-requisites for a Masters degree in
Demography. He has worked as a research assistant at the
Cairo Demographic Center (1993 to 1997). His
responsibilities at SRC include the statistical analysis of
data. He is also the coordinator of the reproductive Health

El Sebaie,

Sherif, Sawsan |
Sawsan has received her Ph.D. in the foundation of Education
from the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. She has
been working for 15 years in different fields including
social development, women and children issues. She has also
been designing projects, researches (specialist in
qualitative researches), data analysis, training, monitoring
& evaluating, and fund raising. She is also a member of the
Egyptian association for mental health
Email: sawsan73@aucegypt.edu
Field Support |
Kheir, Esmat |
Esmat Kheir has
a B.A. in Sociology, and completed the required courses for
the M.A. Degree in Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams
University, and has a diploma in Institution Development and
Planning in the Arab World, UNESCO. Esmat Kheir attended
summer studies in 'Research Design and Planning', University
of Chicago, 1976, and participated in a practical course of
training on the fabrication, installation, and maintenance of
PVC hand-pumps at the University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,
1989, IDRC. Esmat Kheir has worked in the resettlement schemes
in Abis, Alexandria Governorate and Quota, Fayoum Governorate,
as a research assistant and community planning and development
specialist in the Egyptian American Rural Improvement Services
(EARIS), and as a market analyst, Delta Consultants Ltd. He
has participated in the design of interview schedules and has
supervised data collection, field operations, and data
processing on projects conducted by the SRC during the period
from 1965 to 2001. Esmat Kheir, in general, is responsible for
assisting the SRC Director, the Survey Unit Manager, and
Principal Investigators of research projects in undertaking
the administrative and operational aspects of fieldwork
arrangements. Also, he is responsible for administering SRC
car pool, operational supplies, repairs and maintenance of
vehicles. Email: essmat@aucegypt.edu
Library |
Zakaria, Nadia |
Zakaria graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo
University. She participated in Family Planning, Women Water
and Sanitation, Mortality of Women, Early Marriage, Migration,
Earthquake, Schistosomaiasis, Environment, Women and Political
Participation and Adolescence surveys. Her skills include very
good knowledge of SPSS, word processing, FoxPro, PowerPoint ,
and the Internet, and a basic idea about Excel. Nadia is
currently responsible for the SRC library Email:
Computer Support |
Abdel Rahman, Ekbal |
Ekbal Sameh
received her B.Sc. in Computer Science from the American
University in Cairo, Fall 1994. She has been working at SRC
since 1994 as a Computer Specialist, was promoted to a
senior Computer Specialist and then as an IT manager Her
responsibilities include the development of database
applications, websites, as well as the daily management of the
center’s information systems, including databases, operating
systems, network, technical support, and PC and server
management. Email:
Mahmoud |
Sayed, Waleed |
Graduated from the High computer Management institute, he is currently working as
computer specialist. His responsibilities
include providing technical support to all SRC members on any
hardware and software problem, data backup and network
administration. Email:
| |