
Main Page

Table of Contents


General Information

Undergraduate Studies

Graduate Studies


Continuing Education & Training Programs

Appendix: Personnel & Enrollment

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 Adham Center for Television Journ.

Director: S. A. Schleifer
Technical Coordinator:  J. Sandle

The professional development program offered by the Kamal Adham Center for Television Journalism in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication is designed for those currently working in television, journalism, advertising, or other professional activities directly related to television news production.

The number of weeks and the number of hours of instruction per week are tailored to the needs of specific groups by the center. The center draws appropriate elements for such programs from the contents of courses offered to undergraduate and graduate students.

Programs can include Broadcast-Journalism English developed and offered jointly with the Center for Adult and Continuing Education.

Copyright © 2000-2001, The American University in Cairo