Non Academic Articles, Blog posts and Monographs

“Egypt joins the Fairwork Project” 25/01/2021

Nagla Rizk and A2K4D research team, " The many ways of capturing AI in the MENA region" KnowledgeMaze (7 December 2020)

Nagla Rizk and A2K4D research team, "Artificial Intelligence and Data for Development in the Middle East and North Africa: Preliminary Survey Findings"

Nagla Rizk and A2K4D research team, "Data Practices in the Global South" KnowledgeMaze forthcoming: Available at:

Arthur Gwagwa, Erika Kraemer-Mbula, Nagla Rizk, Isaac Rutenberg, and Jeremy de Beer, "Towards Integration of African Priorities into Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy Agendas" (August 2020)

Rizk, N. E. (2011), "Bread, Freedom, and Social Justice: A Report from Egypt" Huffington Post Blog, (November 28, 2011),
and Balkinization, Yale Law School‟s Jack Balkin's Blog, (November 27, 2011) and-social-justice.html

Rizk, N. E., Attalah, L., and Nassef, S. (2011), "Al Haq Fi Al Hosoul ‟Ala Al Ma‟loumat” (The Right to Receive Information; Arabic), [Background Policy Paper], Masr Alhureyya Political Party.

Rizk, N. E. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 4, 2011), "On the Worthiness of Education", Al Masry Al Youm English Edition.

Rizk, N. E. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 11, 2011), "Education Worthless Without Free Speech?" Common Ground News Service.

Rizk, N. E. (January (1st Quarter/Winter) 14, 2011), "La Quimata Lel Ta‟leem Fi Gheyab Horreyet Al Ta‟beer” (Arabic), Common Ground News Service Arabic Website.

Rizk, N. E. (February 2011), "Development 2.0: Beyond Technology, Egypt's Revolution and Paradigm Shift", AUC Today, Cairo, Egypt: AUC Today.

Rizk, N.E. (December 9, 2009). “Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive Intercommunication for Knowledge”, Review of The Arab Knowledge Report written for “Ideas in Development” blog of IQsensato think tank, Geneva.

Rizk, N.E. (2008) “Research in Progress on A2K in Egypt, in line with the Proposed Agenda for A2K Research in the Arab Countries”, written for the Access to Knowledge initiative of Bibliotheca Alexandrina (English and Arabic). (English) (Arabic)

Rizk, N. E. (2002), “The Information Society in the MENA Region: Issues and Challenges”, Forum, The Economic Research Forum, Volume 9, Number 2, Summer 2002.