Intervention Projects to Deliver Services to Working Children in Egypt

A detailed Description of the Projects:

Coptic Evangelic Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), International Labour Organisation (ILO) - Project for Working Children in Khom Ghorab (Old Cairo)

Duration: April 2000 until 2001 

Location: Khom Ghorab, a squatter area of Old Cairo


Target Group: 300 working children in the age group 8-15, basically in leather tanning, auto workshops, and furnace-based industries.


  • Providing literacy classes for working children 
  • Providing social and health services and vocational training for working children. 
  • Re-enrollment in schools of 100 dropouts from basic education. 
  • Increasing income of poor families who have a working child by providing micro credit. 
  • Raising awareness in the community among employers, and improving working conditions. 
  • Maintaining sustainability by supporting a local organization within the community to take over and make future plans for the project. 

Gami'at Tanmiyet Al Mogtama - Manshiyat Al Nasr (Community Development Association in Manshiyat Al Nasr), International Labor Organisation (ILO) - Project for Working Children in Shubra El-Kheima

Duration: August 14th 1998 until August 14th 1999 

Location: Shubra El Kheima in Qaluyoubeya Governorate


  • To support and increase the capacity of the NGO in combating child labor and withdrawing children from dangerous work. 
  • To withdraw selected children from hazardous work in textiles, plastics, and auto workshops in Shubra El Kheima, and to provide them with education and training opportunities as well as health services, protection and recreation. 
  • To raise awareness in the community among parents, employers and leaders on the dangers of hazardous and exploitative work of children.

Target Group: Working Children in Shubra El Kheima

Main Characteristics: 

  • Age Categories: The selected children included two age groups: Children under 12 years of age (about 30%) Children between 12-14 years of age (about 70%) 
  • Sex: The selected children included both males and females. 
  • Industries: The first phase of the project concentrated on children working in textiles, plastics and auto workshops.

Total Number: The targeted number of working children was 300.

Selection Criteria: Targeting gave priority to the following factors: 

  • Exploitative occupations or conditions 
  • Poor family background 
  • Families willing to cooperate with the project

Institutional Framework: Description of the Responsible Institution Implementation was undertaken by the NGO "Gami'at Tanmeyet Al Mogtama - Manshiyat Al Nasr". The NGO provides the following services for the community: 

  • Several clinics have been equipped to treat different diseases. Minor operations are also undertaken. 
  • A private school provides basic education. 
  • A training center provides opportunities for girls and women to learn sewing and knitting and contributes to raising their income through production.

National Council for Childhood and Motherhood – Pilot Project for the Protection and Welfare of Working Children at Craftsman City (Herafeyeen Village)

The Craftsman City (Herafeyeen Village) was established in 1989, in order to transfer the workshops of car repair, smithery and carpentry operating in several districts in Cairo. Since its establishment, 380 workshops have been included.

Children working at Craftsman City: 711 children are working in workshops in Craftsman City.

In the light of the child labor situation in the Craftsmen City, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood carried out in October 1997 a pilot experiment together with a number of responsible agencies, for the purpose of protecting these children, health-wise, socially and culturally, in addition to offering services to children and to their families.

Project Objectives 

  • Offering integrated care programs for working children, and developing the existing services
  • Improving the working conditions of 380 workshops in which children work
  • Providing health protection and health care 
  • Guiding family members to join vocational training centers, in order to create an alternative income other than that of the working child
  • Eradicating the illiteracy of fathers, mothers, and workshop owners
  • Raising the standard of environmental awareness among children and inhabitants of the city

Services offered by project to working children and their families

  • In the Health Domain 

    Periodic checkup and offering necessary treatment and preventive services. 

    Providing complementary meals to the children. 

    Raising health awareness through health educational seminars.


  • In the Educational Domain 

    Eradicating the illiteracy of children, who were never enrolled in schools, or who had dropped out 

    Literacy programs for parents of working children.


  • In the Social Domain 

    Training mothers on income-producing crafts, in order to raise the living standard of families 

    Offering household counseling to acquaint people with services available in the various domain.


  • In the Cultural and Recreational Domain 

    Holding symposia and cultural meetings with the participation of children, in order to study some important issues, such as: (smoking - drug addiction - spending leisure time). 

    Allowing children to participate in sports programs, trips, visits to theatres and kinds 

    Holding contests among children, participating in team games and spending free time in useful activities.


  • In the Environmental Domain 

    Establishing the "Friends of the Environment Club" as a center for raising environmental awareness, getting acquainted with environmental problems and participating in solving them

Services offered by the project to employers:

  • Literacy programs 
  • Holding seminars for spreading environmental awareness and enhancing social participation

Integrated Working Children's Project in Alexandria

The UNICEF - Egypt office initiated in 1993 a pilot project for working children in Alexandria. The initial objective of the project was to improve the working and living conditions of working children and to contribute to developing their personalities, talents and abilities.

Practical experience indicated the need for adopting a holistic approach to addressing the problem. New components were introduced into the project to include preventive, protective and developmental measures.

This project is implemented in two areas: EL Haggari and Maawa EL Sayadeen in the West District Alexandria.

At present the project is a collaborative initiative coordinated by the chief of the West District and with the collaboration of three NGOs: the Maritime Scouts, Sidi Gaber and Sidi Ali EL Sammak associations.

Target group : Served 2000 working children and 2000 mothers of working children or potential working children.

Community Development Activities: in Karmouz and in Maawa El Sayadeen serving most of the inhabitants in the two locations.

Main Objectives:

  • Improve the working and living conditions of working children through improving their talents, personalities, health, education and vocational skills, as well as providing them with safety measures and raising the awareness of the children and their employers regarding occupational safety.
  • Contribute to the protection of working children to ensure a healthy developmental environment for their upbringing. This component includes empowering mothers of working children and mothers of potential working children through literacy programs, health and nutrition awareness and environmental upgrading. These activities contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of working children.
  • Contribute to the prevention of child labor through the provision of credit and training for poor mothers to enhance their income generating ability. The purpose is to take the burden off the working children and enable the vulnerable mothers to send their children to school.

A supervisory committee formed from local representatives of the involved NGOs and headed by the Chief of the District (local government) coordinates the three components of the project.

Specific Objectives:

Currently, the project achieves the following specific objectives:

  • Monitor the situation of working children and those at risk of becoming working children, through a mechanism established at local community level.
  • Develop working children's personalities, talents, mental and physical abilities.
  • Facilitate access to community based health services for working children in order to improve their health status safety and working conditions.
  • Promote occupational health awareness among workshop owners, working children and their families and to encourage the use of safety equipment.
  • Contribute to the prevention of child labor through the provision of credit and training for poor mothers.

All images are copyrighted to Nassif Azmy
@ Social Research Center
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