The Social Research Center

The American University in Cairo

















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(Source: NCCM, Dec.1996)




Earmark 50% of state projects aimed at alleviation of unemployment to women and eliminate policies that discriminate against women’s access to productive assets.

Encouraging private sector employers to hire women by offering special incentives such as tax breaks.

Enhance women’s participation in decision and policy making process in terms of management, representation, syndicate election, voting and selection.


Examine the new labor laws in terms of their impact on women’s labor participation.

Gender sensitization of economic planners, project planners and implementers.

Measure the extent and nature of both formal and informal labor force participation.

Provide easy credit to poor women especially women heads of households and in micro-enterprises to alleviate poverty.

Provide women in agriculture with energy and burden saving technology, and provide easier access to credit and extension.

Raise women’s awareness of their working rights through gender training workshops, media campaigns and the establishment of women’s watch groups.

Training in data collection with more accurate meaningful gender sensitive data.

Training women in non traditional female occupations.



Increase female labor participation.

Measure accurately female labor participation, especially in agriculture and the urban informal sector.

Promote gender based equality in wages, access to and control of reproductive resources.

Reduce female unemployment and alleviate poverty.

Support working women.



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