What would you do differently if you went Zahran, Salama and Obeid |
Favorite stereotypes about AUCians
• Gucci corner
• Smart and progressive
• We were all Beatles or Hippies
• Doers and achievers in the workplace
• Special local, regional and international people
• The dollar signs people see once they know you are from AUC. Like in cartoons, my eyes are two $$, and my mouth might turn into a cash register
• Deterministic and knowledgeable
• Spoiled kids, join AUC to play and are overwhelmingly Westernized, in the bad sense of the word
Most important thing AUC taught you
• Persistence and taking initiative
• Believe in myself
• Think outside the box
• Everything can be proven with the right evidence and arguments
• Success is the result of small efforts carried out day after day
• Depend on external sources for increasing knowledge: our days, the library; today, the Net; tomorrow, who knows?
Special memories
•Wednesday nights at the Caravan preparing the paper
to go to print
• Thursday movie nights, platform, between courts,
Fountain Area
• Skipping class once to have breakfast at Semiramis,
hanging out at the platform steps to check out passers
by and having chocolate cake at the JC restaurant
• Very long meetings we carried out to organize
charity events and conferences
• In one of my class presentations, I led a team of three
people and chose to support a very controversial
topic that most people would normally be opposing.
I was taking a contrary side on this topic in real life,
but my goal was to challenge myself. I worked hard
to prepare for this debate, arranged the right
arguments and the debate was a massive success for my team. I have been debating skillfully ever since,
and have loved doing presentations
Shaaban and El Sherbini
Mourad Rouchdy '73,
United Arab Emirates Mohamed Almahallawi (MA '85), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Karim Ibrahim '77, '93 United Arab Emirates Magda Smith '86,Australia Noha Salama ’91, Germany Mahmoud Obeid ’91, Jordan |
Heba Shaaban '92, '05, United Arab Emirates Islam Sarhan '93, United Arab Emirates Tarek El Sherbini '97, United Kingdom Karim Eissa '99, United Kingdom Ahmed Zahran '02, Egypt Raghda El Ebrashi '04, '07, Egypt |