At the 2009 midyear commencement ceremony, the first class of students from the Leadership for Education and Development (LEAD) program earned their degrees.The program, established in 2004 and funded by the United States Agency for International Development and the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation, awards distinguished public school students in Egypt a full undergraduate scholarship to study at AUC. Through LEAD, one male and one female from each of Egypt’s 27 governorates have been admitted to the university each year for four consecutive years. The aim is to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitude to become active players in Egypt’s development. |
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Leading The Way
By Peter Wieben and Dalia el Nimr
Photos by Ahmad El-Nemr
Five years since the inception of the LEAD program, the first batch of graduates receive their degrees
Opening New Horizons
I first learned about the LEAD program from
AUC’s newspaper advertisement five years ago.
I remember sitting with my family on a Friday
reading the newspaper, when my mother asked me
to bring Tuesday’s paper. I thought it was an odd
request. My mother handed the paper to my father,
who began to smile. He got really excited. I myself
didn’t believe what was in the paper; LEAD was a
heavenly package for me because AUC had been
my dream since I was a little kid. I applied, and a
few days later, the admissions staff called me at
home to follow up on my application.
For the LEAD program,we needed to show that we
had a talent or an activity outside of school. I was
involved in my church’s music program and choir, but I didn’t include this in
my application because I didn’t think the university would be interested to
know about it. Until that time, I was still focused on getting high grades on
exams. I was surprised to find that my admissions counselor wanted to hear
more. Now, I’m in the AUC Chamber Choir. I’m a bit of a music freak.
When I entered AUC, I was afraid in the beginning. I have a powerful
support system of friends and family back home, and it was quite hard for me
to leave all that and start making new friends with people who are different
from me. I was afraid of not being able to fit into this whole thing. But
everything went fine. I not only developed a close group of friends, but was
able to travel abroad and study at Harvard for a summer program. I gradually
came to appreciate people’s differences. Of course, no one can develop a
perfection of tolerance, but I think I have changed a great deal. I have found
that the more people I meet, the more I’m exposed to, the more choices and
experiences I am faced with, the more mature I become.
My dream is to be a professor.The value of good professors is not all in
what they teach; it is about who they really are. It is also in the relationships
they form with you and what they add to you as a person. I would like to be
one of those influential people.
––– Mary Hisham, business administration graduate
(with high honors); Minya governorate
Class Representative
Without LEAD, I would not have come to the university.
In my family, there is no history of people going to AUC,
and I don’t think they would have appreciated the liberal
arts education.
I learned a lot of things during my university years, most
importantly to be open minded. I always used to see things
from my side, but when I joined the Student Union and
became student representative to the University Senate, I
realized that there is no right or wrong answer.The only
way to be a good leader is to listen and help people
understand one another.
I distinctly remember the Student Bill of Rights and
Responsibility. It was one of my main projects and took
more than a year to complete. I spent a lot of time discussing
and debating with faculty senators and amending articles. I
had to learn how to absorb other people’s points of view
and then condense them into something useful that could
be agreed upon.When you do that sort of work, you stop
looking for absolutes.
Being a LEAD student was very special to me.The best
part was touring all of Egypt’s governorates. I realized I was
very ignorant about my own country. Living in Cairo, you
tend to think that Egypt is Cairo,Alexandria and Sharm El
Sheikh. Outside of these places
though, it is a totally different
country.When we went touring, I
understood that there were real
problems that needed solutions.We
met some good governors and others
who were not so good, and I’ve been
given the opportunity to see what
works and what doesn’t work in
those positions. I’ve been able to
make a mental list of what to strive
for and what to avoid should I find
myself in their shoes one day.
I want to climb the ladder.Twenty
years on, I hope to be making use of
what I’ve learned here at AUC to help my country, maybe
in the context of a political career.
––– Kareem Omara, economics graduate and undergraduate
class representative; Giza governorate
Dedication to Serve
LEAD showed us the way.The program gives you
everything: the education, training and other skills you
need besides your academic studies.We went to all the
governorates, and NGOs gave us presentations on
different ways to help people aside from just money.
I was a member of the Student Union for two years,
but I really enjoyed community service work. I joined as
many clubs as I could, and each one left its own impact
on me.With Hand in
Hand, I realized that one
visit to the elderly makes a
big difference to them.
With Volunteers in Action,
it was very fulfilling
making tamween packages
for the poor during
Ramadan. I helped set up a
group wedding for
orphans.We arranged for
celebrities to come and
sing at the wedding and
helped the brides furnish
their apartments. In the
summer, I worked with the Social Fund for Development
helping poor women set up small enterprises, such as
kiosks and knitting workshops.
Eventually, I want to open my own business, with a
focus on development and social responsibility. I really
wish to create a pioneering project like Al Sawy Cultural
Wheel to shed light on the real identity of Egyptians and
to open up people’s eyes to different types of art. I’m not a
leader in a religious or political sense, but I’m confident I
have the skills to lead and make the first move.
––– Dina Hussein, journalism and mass
communication graduate; Giza governorate
Shattering Stereotypes
Every year at AUC has
been an addition of
experience.After each
year, I would look at
myself and see a totally
different person.The
training and activities
made huge contributions
to my personality, and I
think it is something that
will have a lasting impact
on me.
I spent most of my life
in Port Said, which is a
traditional community.
When I came to AUC, it was like stepping into a whole
new culture and lifestyle.The Egyptians you meet at the
university are not the typical ones you run into on the
street. In the dorms, I interacted with many American and
study-abroad students. Living with them in the dorms
allowed me to become their friend and understand them
better.We talked about many things: politics, religion, the
war in Iraq and life in general.We also went out together.
Some of them are close friends to me now.
The most exciting time was when I went to the State
University of New York. I was expecting to be treated like
an outsider, but I was surprised to see how diverse and
friendly the society is. I saw American,Asian,African and
European people. I learned a lot about American culture and
was introduced to new concepts, such as fraternities and
sororities. I had fun watching sports events with friends like
the Super Bowl and the NBA All-Star Game. I also played
with snow for the first time.Above all, I learned to depend
on myself totally.
I want to work in marketing or advertising. I want to
travel around the world and meet other nationalities. I feel I
am much more knowledgeable now and can go to any
country and adapt without having any problems.
––– Ali Darwish, business administration graduate;
Port Said governorate
A Sense of Independence
Before coming to AUC, I was a shy and quiet person. I
was always hesitant to say my opinion on things, but now,
I am more confident in expressing what I believe in.
As a member of the Student Union, I helped organize its
40-year campaign celebrations. I was responsible for
designing brochures and coming up with the overall theme
of the campaign. I enjoyed the group work, which allowed
me to get to know more people. I also played an acting role
in the annual Talent Show. At first, I worked as an organizer
for the show, and then the next year, I decided to act. It was
a great experience and gave me courage to face people.
When I went to the States for a semester at Portland State
University, I was worried and excited.When you live in
another country, you know you have no parents or family to
support you; you’re all on your own.You have to solve your
own problems and take complete
responsibility for everything you do. I
was approached by many people
who asked me about the veil, not in
any hostile way, but just out of
curiosity. I liked the atmosphere in
general and how everybody there
was eager to learn, not just focused
on getting high grades.
At AUC, I really enjoyed the
presentations and group projects. In
particular, I loved the advertising
class I took with Dr. Sherine
Moody. It was a blessing for me
because it helped me pinpoint what
I want to do in life: advertising or video editing.When I
worked on advertising campaigns or video editing projects
for class, I never got bored. I would work for 12 hours and
not get tired. I always had new ideas flowing in and more
energy to continue.
I plan to move to Cairo for work. I’m not afraid of
living on my own or coping with issues that come my
way. I know I can do it.
–– Sohair Sharaf El-Din, journalism and mass
communication graduate; Domyat governorate