
Held at the New Cairo Campus,
the 86th undergraduate
commencement marks a new
start for an old tradition
Photos by Ahmad El-Nemr
The first at AUC’s New Cairo Campus, the 86th undergraduate commencement saw the graduation of 446 bachelor’s degree candidates. Delivering the keynote address, Farkhonda Hassan (MA ’67), secretary-general of the National Council for Women, a scientist, prominent politician and former AUC faculty member, urged the graduating class to enhance their skills through knowledge. “You cannot download vision, imagination or creativity. That stuff, you have to upload it yourself the traditional way: reading, writing and learning,” she said.
Hassan carried a special message to the female graduates. “In your experience here at AUC, you have seen women in leadership and decision-making roles,” she noted. “Don’t be surprised that some in this world do not share our collective belief about the potential capacity of women. Don’t allow those beliefs to set you off course, but to make you stronger and more resilient.”
At the ceremony, Ahmed Kamal Aboulmagd, professor of public law at Cairo University, a judge and former president of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal, received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from AUC.
Addressing 117 master’s degree candidates at the graduate commencement, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former United Nations secretary-general and recipient of an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from AUC, highlighted five major global problems, including the crisis of international organization, state transformation, the impact of globalization on the average citizen, discrimination in military conflicts, and the global economic and financial crisis. “These global problems cannot be resolved through the present United Nations,” he explained. “States, not state actors, [and] civil society must take on new responsibilities. It is still not too late to create a new United Nations for this era.”
By Dalia Al Nimr
Mikel Messiha, business administration major,
recipient of the President’s Cup
Salma Soliman, business
administration major,
was awarded the Parents Association Cup
the Ahmed Zewail Prize for
in the Sciences and Humanities
Farkhonda Hassan addressing bachelor’s degree candidates
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, keynote speaker at the graduate
Vice Provost Ali Hadi, director of graduate studies and research, and Provost Lisa Anderson
Ahmed Kamal Aboulmagd, recipient of an honorary doctorate from AUC
Salah El Haggar,
professor of mechanical engineering, received the Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors Award
Hassanein Amer, associate professor and chair of the
electronics engineering department, received the Excellence in Academic Service Award
Ehab Abdel
Rahman, visiting assistant professor of physics, received the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award |
Bowditch, assistant professor of philosophy, received the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award |
Clark, English language teacher, received the Excellence in Core Curriculum Teaching Award |