CENTER FOR ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Dean: H. Miller Associate Dean for Instructional Affairs: R. Younghouse Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs and Registrar: M. El-Rashidi Director of External Affairs: B. Sami
Established in 1924, the Center for Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) has long played a vital role in community outreach and education in Egypt and the Middle East. CACE originally served as an information center, supporting lectures, films and seminars. Over the years, courses were added, originally in the areas of English language and business, and later, Arabic language and translation, computers, youth programs, foreign languages and teacher education. Today CACE's instructional programs are divided into five divisions: Arabic and Translation Studies, Business Studies, Computer Studies, English Studies and Special Studies. Divisions offer services through scheduled, contract, tutorial and off-campus programs.
CACE's scheduled programs, which lead to international recognized certificates, offer opportunities for individuals who wish to refine or develop new job skills. These certificates are offered at AUC's three campuses in Downtown Cairo, Zamalek, Heliopolis and 17 affiliate Centers including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Kuwait. Students may enroll in a regular professional certificate, advanced professional certificate, mini-certificate, achievement certificate or certificate of attendance.
Through contract programs, CACE offers customized training to a variety of organizations for upgrading their management and workforce. Clients include multinational corporations, businesses and governmental and non-governmental organizations. In consultation with clients, CACE develops individualized training curricula to address effectively organizational needs for human resource development. CACE's involvement in major contract programs includes distance learning, professional skill development and organizational reform. CACE's programs offer flexibility in planning and delivery formats and are frequently offered on company premises or at CACE facilities in and outside of Egypt. In addition, tutorials are offered to provide flexible, customized learning on an instructor to client basis.
CACE administers the USAID English Language Testing and Training program (ELTT), a services program interlinked with USAID/Egypt's Development Training II (DT2) comprehensive training program. As DT2 is designed to strengthen the management and technical capabilities of Egyptian organizations, ELTT provides support to these aims through English language services. CACE was awarded this contract in 1997, and the program is housed in CACE's Zamalek facility.
CACE´s Mission Statement
The Center for Adult and Continuing Education extends the resources of the American University in Cairo into the community by providing high quality educational opportunities for learners of all ages to enrich their lives, enhance their professional qualifications and promote their careers.
In fulfillment of our mission, we offer a wide variety of non-credit programs and actively customize new courses to respond educationally and technologically to the demands of a changing market.
In our commitment to serve the needs of diverse learning communities, we promote collaboration with local and international partners at locations throughout Egypt and abroad.
CACE´s Instructional Divisions
The Arabic and Translation Studies Division offers classes in translation and simultaneous interpreting and in colloquial Egyptian Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic. Arabic language classes are normally given at the elementary and intermediate levels; advanced classes are offered on demand. Certificate programs offered by the division are designed to provide students with solid grounding in the interdisciplinary nature and practice of translation and interpretation.
The Business Studies Division meets the diverse needs of today's Egyptian and Middle Eastern business markets by offering mini-certificates, professional certificates, advanced professional certificates and certificates of attendance, all of which comprise courses designed to provide students and clients of all levels with the necessary abilities to succeed in future positions in the areas of sales and marketing, accounting, investment and finance, e-business, supervisory management and travel and tourism.
The Business Studies Division is an authorized training center for several international associations such as the Cambridge Career Award, the (IATA/UFAA) and the Managing Health and Social Care (MHSC). Business Studies Division also offers review programs in the areas of accounting, investment and management such as the Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and Certified Financial Management (CFM).
The Computer Studies Division offers a comprehensive pool of courses and certificates ranging from advanced professional certificates, professional certificates, mini certificates and certificates of attendance. This range of offerings covers the full spectrum of the IT field by including programming, computer networking, database management, Web designing, multimedia authoring, computer graphics production, and more.
CSD is a Cisco Regional Academy that offers the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) international certification title to students who are trained on the technical advancements of networking.
The English Studies Division offers general English language courses at all levels of proficiency, as well as specialized courses for members of various professions and students preparing for the TOEFL or the Egyptian preparatory and secondary school certificate examinations. The program provides intensive, specialized English language courses for students enrolled in or preparing for CACE professional certificate programs. The English Studies Division has a wealth of experience in providing nationally and internationally recognized pre-and in-service English language teacher training in Egypt with strong links to governmental agencies with responsibility for improvement of education in Egypt. The division also organizes and hosts the international EFL Skills Conference each year
The English Studies Division has been facilitating for the Ministry of Education the Language Methodology and Development Program since 1998. This specially developed program is the first of its kind of a teacher-training program to be conducted via interactive videoconferencing.
The Special Studies Division offers scheduled German courses for adults, German, English and computer courses for young learners and an annual Junior Summer Program for youth between the ages of 6-14 years. The division also offers a variety of customized and tutorial courses, seminars and workshops for the benefit of both the general public and individual organizations. The division designs and implements workshops and seminars on learning disabilities in children, teacher education and various technical and vocational subjects. The Special Studies Division also provides comprehensive administrative and logistical support services for training programs and workshops. |
For More Information
Information on CACE's courses, programs and Catalog may be obtained from:
Center for Adult and Continuing Education
The American University in Cairo
28 Falaki Street, Bab El-Louk
P.O. Box 2511
Cairo, Egypt
Telephone: (20-2) 797-6880, (20-2) 797-6868
Fax: (20-2) 797-6858 or (20-2) 795-7565
Email: caceinf@aucegypt.edu
Web Site: www.aucegypt.edu/cace |