Social Research Center

United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM)


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About the Social Research Center

The Social Research Center (SRC) of the American University in Cairo (AUC) was established in 1953 to conduct and encourage multi-disciplinary research and training in the social sciences and social policy in Egypt and in the Middle East . It strives to inform policy formulation and implementation while contributing to knowledge. The Center aims to contribute to developing skills and building institutional capabilities in the region as well as to advance public debate about important social issues.

For five decades, the Center has carried out a broad range of research. Earlier studies included the resettlement of people, the historical and ecological development of Cairo and evaluation of family planning programs. Recent research activities include studies of population and fertility, poverty, political participation of women, the effects of economic liberalization, urbanization, social epidemiology, maternal and child health and the environment.

SRC activities emphasize two directions. The first is a policy support direction, where the research produced by SRC is influencing policies and SRC is a resource center linking research with action. The second is a regional orientation producing quality comparative research, providing multidisciplinary population/health training and building close regional ties.

The policy support direction involves building close ties with civil society in Egypt , linking closely with the National Council for Women, collaborating with ministries and developing service sites on the web.

The regional orientation is captured by close ties with institutions and scholars in the region. These include the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and the School of Health Sciences of the American University of Beirut . Another important regional activity is the service of SRC as a resource center. Example of such a service includes the collaboration with UNICEF Gulf Office, as well as, the conduct of two regional training workshops on Reproductive Health and Research Methods for Guiding Policy and Evaluation.

About the UNIFEM
UNIFEM is the women's fund at the United Nations. It provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programmes and strategies to foster women's empowerment and gender equality. Placing the advancement of women's human rights at the centre of all of its efforts, UNIFEM focuses its activities on four strategic areas: (1) reducing feminized poverty, (2) ending violence against women, (3) reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls, and (4) achieving gender equality in democratic governance in times of peace as well as war.
UNIFEM International
UNIFEM Arab States Regional Office


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