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United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM)


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Welcome to Our Site

Our Site aims to facilitate the flow of information, among researchers, policy makers and practitioners, on the concept of governance. It presents some of the research and proposed action plans for achieving good and efficient governance with a special emphasis on economic governance. The site mainly focuses on Engendering Economic governance through the incorporation of the household-based care economy into an integrated analysis of the total economy. The site acts as a portal providing links to recent publications, articles as well as related conferences and web sites.




►Directory of Related Activities...


The Gender Budgets Website.  >>More


UNIFEM Annual Report 2004/5  highlighting initiatives for the
creation of Gender responsive budgets



Asia-Pacific and Arab States Regional Programme for Engendering Economic Governance ...demystifying economics and empowering women >>More


Economics and Gender: Macroeconomics, Fiscal Policy and Liberalization: An Analysis of Their Impact on Women >>More


National Seminar on Applications of Time Use Statistics. >>More

Workshop on Using Gender Statistics for Gender-responsive Policy Analysis and Policy Advocacy on Economic Issues, 17-26 March 2003, Bangkok. >>More

Workshop on an Integrated Approach to Gender Statistics, January 2003. >>More




برنامج نحو مراجعة تستجيب لمفهوم النوع الإجتماعى

موازنات النوع الإجتماعى : حالة  وزارة الشباب



Active and empowered constituencies must be aware of and able to exercise their basic human rights, as well as sufficiently informed about issues and supported by access to relevant information in order to develop a clear agenda. Institutionalized monitoring and accountability mechanisms enable constituencies to hold their leaders and Government to account. The institutions of governance must be generally open to public scrutiny and subject to accountability through a democratic political system. "good" decisions can only be made if both decision makers and their constituencies have access and are able to make appropriate use of "good" information Since women often lack access to the traditional sources of knowledge, capacity-building and experience (mentoring) that generate men leaders, leadership training is especially important for women Women's leadership has sometimes been unfocused and support from the constituency lacking because of the lack of an agreed agenda on which both can focus


Jobs, Growth, Gender and Governance Unlocking the Potential for prosperity. Mena Development Reports. >>More...


Engendering development through gender equality in rights, resources, and voice. publication-  >>More...


Engendering Democracy: Women's Organizations and their Influence on Policy Making within the devolved.
website- >>More...


Gender and Development -website->>More...


WB action plan for gender and governance-Document-  >>More...


 Selected Publications &  Links                    

  Engendering Development and Democracy booklet 2004  comment: Nigeria; could be part of African Continent Publication  
Policy Paper on Women and Urban Governance 2000  
  Empowerment and Governance through Information and Communication Technologies: women’s perspective  
  BRIDGE Cutting Edge Pack on CD provides key materials on gender-sensitive budgets as a tool for advancing gender equality
  NGOs and Governance in the Arab World  

Siyanda is an on-line database of gender and development materials from around the world. It is also an interactive space where gender practitioners can share ideas, experiences and resources.

  BRIDGE supports gender advocacy and mainstreaming efforts by bridging the gaps between theory, policy and practice with accessible and diverse gender information in print and online.  

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