A General
The Social Research
Center stresses the
importance of publishing
in peer-reviewed
journals, to provide
international and
regional visibility for
the work of the center
and help to promote a
dialogue on policy
formulation. Here we
highlight recent books
and publications produced by SRC
It is also important to
note that SRC members
have always been very
active in writing
sections in reports
published by UNICEF,
UNDP, World Bank, and
UNIFEM. These reports
provide the evidence for
key challenges and
critical assessments of
development strategies
and programs. They both
guide donors policies
and the intervention
To search for
publications of SRC
staff members, see
individual staff
listings in the
staff directory. |
To search all SRC
staff publications in
the AUC Libraries'
online catalog, enter
WORD (S): 'SRC Staff
Online Catalog |
Most Recent Papers,
Reports and Publications
Abdel-Rahman El-Zayadi,
Hanaa M. Badran, Sherine
Shawky, Sally Emara,
Ashraf El-Bareedy,
Mohammed Sobhi. (in
“Effect of
Surveillance for Hepatocellular
on Tumor Staging and
Treatment Decisions in
Egyptian Patients”. Hepatology
Ayeb, Habib (in press),
“Hydropolitics of the
Arab World: the real and
false threats”. Water in
the Arab Countries;
Global Perceptions and
Local realities.
Casa Arabe, Madrid.
Ayeb, Habib (in press),
“Water in Egypt: Between
wealth and poverty”.
In Water in the Arab
Countries; Global
Perceptions and Local
realities. Casa Arabe,
Ayeb, Habib and Reem
Saad (eds). (in press)
Agrarian Transformations
in the Arab World:
Persistent and Emerging
in Social Science.
(Monograph Series)
Ayeb, Habib and Reem
Saad (in press)
Urban about Rural
In Habib Ayeb
and Reem Saad (eds).
Agrarian Transformations
in the Arab World:
Persistent and Emerging
Challenges. Cairo-Papers
in Social Science.
(Monograph Series).
Dale Huntington, Hassan
H.M. Zaky, Sherine
Shawky, Faten Abdel
Fattah, and Eman El-Hadary.
( in press)
Impact of a
provider incentive
payment scheme on
reproductive and child
health services in
Journal of
Health, Population And
Nutrition. This paper
also presented to the CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand,
France, 17-18 December
Al-Sharmani, Mulki (forthcoming
in July 2010)
“Transnational Family
Networks in Somali
Diaspora in Egypt:
Women’s Roles and
In: Gender, Place, and
Shawky, Sherine (in
“Could the
Targeting Approach Serve
Egypt in Moving towards
a Social Health
Insurance Model”. Eastern
Mediterranean Health
Shawky, Sherine (in
“Primary Health Care
in The Eastern
Mediterranean: From Alma
Ata to Doha”.
Eastern Mediterranean
Health Journal.
Publications 2010
Ayeb, Habib (2010)
de la Société Rurale en
Egypte... la fin de
fellah". Karthala,
Halasa, Yara, Heba
Nassar and Hassan Zaky
Incidence Analysis of
Government Spending on
Ministry of Health
Outpatient Services in
Jordan”, Eastern
Mediterranean Health
Journal, Vol.16, No. 5.
PP: 259-265.
Khadr, Zeinab (2010)
in Introduction to
Demography and its
Population council, West
Asia & North Africa
Regional Office, Dar El Nakheel. Pp: 135-139 (in
Khadr, Zeinab, Mohamed
Nour el Dein and Ramadan
Hamed (2010)
“Using GIS
in constructing
area-based physical
deprivation index in
Cairo Governorate,
International 34, 2,
Elsevier Ltd. Pp:
Langsten, Ray, Tahra
Hassan (2010)
Transitions in Egypt:
The Effects of Gender
and Wealth”
in International
Conference Child Poverty
And Disparities: Public
Policies for Social
Justice procedure,
Egyptian National Child
Rights Observatory, NCCM,
Ministry of State for
Family and Population,
Cairo. pp: 4-29.
El-Saadani, Somaya
Introduction to
Demography and its
Applications, Cairo,
Population council, West
Asia & North Africa
Regional Office, Dar El Nakheel. Pp: 59-78 (in
Al-Sharmani, Mulki.
“Legal Reform, Women's
Empowerment, and Social
Change: The Case of
In: IDS Bulletin, 41,
No. 2, 2010: 10-17
Al-Sharmani, Mulki. “Navigating
Refugee Life.”
In: UN Chronicle, Vol.
67, 1, 2010: 48-51
Al-Sharmani, Mulki
(co-authored with Azer,
Adel, Mehanna, Sohair,
and Ali, Essam).
Rights-based Approach to
Child Protection
Policies in Egypt:
Cairo Papers in Social
Science, Vol 30, No. 1
Cairo, Egypt: The
American University in
Cairo Press, 2010
Zaky, Hassan. H.M.
“Fertility and
Introduction to
Demography and its
Applications”, Cairo,
The Population council,
Egypt regional office
for Middle East and
North Africa, Dar El Nakheel. Pp:87-97 (in
Zaky, Hassan. H.M.
“Introduction to
Demography and its
Applications”, Cairo,
Population council, West
Asia & North Africa
Regional Office, Dar El Nakheel (in Arabic)
Publications 2009
Abdel-Rahman El-Zayadi,
Hanaa Mostafa Badran,
Ahmed Saied, Sherine
Shawky, Mohy El-Deen
Attia, Khaled Zalata
(2009). “Evaluation of
Liver Biopsy in Egyptian
HBeAg-Negative Chronic
Hepatitis B Patients at
Initial Presentation:
Implications for
Therapy”. Am J
Gastroenterol 2009; 104:
pp:906 – 911; doi:
published online 17
March 2009.
Dale Huntington, Hassan
H.M. Zaky, Sherine
Shawky, Faten Abdel
Fattah, and Eman El-Hadary.
( in press) Impact of a
provider incentive
payment scheme on
reproductive and child
health services in
Egypt. Journal of
Health, Population And
Nutrition. This paper
also presented to the
CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand,
France, 17-18 December
Ayeb, Habib and Reem
Saad. (2009) “Gender,
Poverty and Biodiversity
Conservation in Rural
Egypt and Tunisia”.
Proceedings of the
workshop: Competition
over resources, rural
poverty and agrarian
policies in MENA - 10th
Mediterranean Research
Meeting. 25-28 March
2009, Florence - Italy.
Ayeb, Habib (2009)
“Geopolítica del agua
en Oriente Medio, de
Sudán al Kurdistán”,
in Consecuencias
económicas y ecológicas
de los conflictos en el
mundo árabe. Cycle of
conferences of Casa-Arabe
-IEAM. Madrid. Spain.
Ayeb, Habib (2009) “The
Hydropolitics of the
Mediterranean Yearbook
2008. Barcelone. IEMED.
Khadr, Zeinab, Mohamed
Nour el Dein and Ramadan
Hamed (2009)
socioeconomic inequity
in maternal health
indicators in Egypt":
1995-2005, International
Journal for Equity in
Health, BioMed Central,
U.K. pp: 1-12.
Hamed, Ramadan (2009)
“Advocacy, Education
and Behavioral Change
Communication” in
Population Status In
International Conference
on Population and
Development (ICDP)@15
report. (Hassan Zaky
ed), The Egyptian
Cabinet Information and
Decision Support,
Population Policy and
UNFPA, Cairo, pp: 84-93
Rashad, Hoda (2009)
“Research practices,
A question of values”
in Henk Molenaar, Louk
Box and Rutger Engelhard
(eds) Knowledge on the
Move: Emerging Agendas
for Development-oriented
Research. Leiden:
Publications. pp:49-57.
Reem Saad. Al-harb ala
Ghaza fil-fada’yaat al-Arabiya
(The war on Gaza in Arab
satellite TV) Alshorouk
Newspaper. 2009
Reem Saad. Halawet Zaman
(Sweet Past). Alshorouk
Newspaper. 9 March 2009
Reem Saad. Nafhamak
alaan Ya Amitav (We now
understand you, Amitav).
Alshorouk Newspaper.
April 13, 2009.
Reem Saad. Almuqata’a
wasila wa laysat ghaya
(Boycott is a means not
an end). Alshorouk
Newspaper . June 29,
Reem Saad. Amradna wa
Hululna Al-gathreya (Our
ills, and our radical
solutions). Alshorouk
Newspaper. August 6,
Reem Saad. Alamat laysat
kal-alamat (Signs unlike
signs). Alshorouk
Newspaper. October 17,
Reem Saad. Althaqafa
walsiyasa wal-mas’uliyya
(culture, politics and
Alshorouk Newspaper.
November 19, 2009.
Reem Saad. Alwagh
alqabih lel-irada al-sha’biyya
(The ugly face of
popular will). Alshorouk
Newspaper. December 5,
Al-Sharmani, Mulki.
‘Egyptian Family Courts:
Pathway to Women’s
Empowerment?’ In: Hawwa:
Journal of Women of the
Middle East and the
Islamic World, 7, 2009:
Al-Sharmani, Mulki.
“African Refugees:
Ambivalent Status and
Diasporic Struggles in
Cairo” (co-written with
Katarzyna Grabska), in:
Singerman, Diane
(ed)Cairo Contested:
Governance, Urban Space,
and Global Modernity.The
American University in
Cairo Press, 2009. pp.
Al Sharmani, Mulki and
Katarzyna Grabska (2009)
‘Egyptian Family Courts:
Pathway to Women’s
Empowerment?’ In: Hawwa:
Journal of Women of the
Middle East and the
Islamic World, Volume 7,
pp: 89-119.
Shawky, Sherine (2009)
“HIV Epidemic Profile”
in Population Status In
Egypt: International
Conference on Population
and Development(ICDP)@15
report. (Hassan Zaky
ed), The Egyptian
Cabinet Information and
Decision Support,
Population Policy and
UNFPA, pp: 64-82 Cairo.
Shawky, Sherine (2009)
An HIV Center in the
Middle East and North
Africa: Striving to
organize a regional HIV
resource center to
confront a growing
epidemic. HIV CENTER for
Clinical and Biological
Studies. At the NewYork
State Psychiatric
Institute and Columbia
University. HIV Center
E-Newsletter: Volume 3,
No. 1.
Shawky, Sherine (2009).
Guest Editor for J
Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr 2009; vol. 51
suppl 3.
Shawky, Sherine, Cherif
Soliman, Kassem Kassak,
Doaa Oraby, Danielle
Khouri, and Inoussa
Kabore. (2009) “HIV
Surveillance and
Epidemic Profile in the
Middle East and North
Africa”. HIV
Surveillance and
Epidemic Profile in the
Middle East and North
Africa. J Acquir Immune
Defic Syndr; vol 51
suppl 3: S83-S95.
Shawky, Sherine, Cherif
Soliman, Sharif Sawires.
(2009) “Gender and HIV
in the Middle East and
North Africa: Lessons
Learned for Low
Prevalence Scenarios”. J
Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr; vol. 51 suppl 3:
Sholkamy, Hania
)2009(“Gender and
Population” in
Population Status In
Egypt: International
Conference on Population
and Development(ICDP)@15
report. (Hassan Zaky
ed), The Egyptian
Cabinet Information and
Decision Support,
Population Policy and
UNFPA, pp: 22-36, Cairo.
Simister, J. and H.H.M.
Zaky (2009). Wife’s
earnings, child
nutrition, and
Gender-Based Violence in
Egypt. Middle East
Development Journal.
Vol. 01, issue 02, pp:
Zaky, Hassan. H.M.
)2009( “Population and
Development: A
Governorate Perspective”
in Population Status In
Egypt: International
Conference on Population
and Development(ICDP)@15
report. (Hassan Zaky
ed), The Egyptian
Cabinet Information and
Decision Support,
Population Policy and
UNFPA, pp: 4-13, Cairo.
Zaky, Hassan. H.M.
(2009) The Timing of the
Demographic Dividend in
Egypt. Proceedings of
the 2009 Hawaii
International Conference
on Social Sciences.
Pp:175-188. Hawaii,
United States of
Publications 2006/7
Rashad, Hoda and Yount,
Kathryn, eds.
Family Ties and
Ideational Changes in
Egypt, Iran and Tunisia.
Rashad, Hoda and El
Saadani, Somaya, 2006.
“Gender Aspects of Work
Environment in
El-Saadani, Somaya 2006
“Divorce in the Arab
Region: Current Levels,
Trends, and Features”,
presented at the
European Population
Conference 2006,
Liverpool, UK, 21-24
June 2006.
El-Saadani, Somaya 2006
“Marriage Instability in
some Arab States”,
presented at The
Regional Conference on
Family Health and
Population, organized by
the League of Arab
States, Cairo, 4-6 May,
El Sharmani, Mulki 2006
Diasporic Somali Women
in Cairo”,
In: Journal of
International Migration,
44, 1, 2006: 1-23
Hamed, Ramadan and Yehia,
Amany, 2006
Mathematical Programming
Approach to Average
Bioequivalence Problem”
Hamed, Ramadan 2006,
and Background
in Women and Work in
Publications 2005
Abdel Shakur, Mohamed,
Sohair Mehanna and
Nicholas S. Hopkins
(2005) War
and Forced Migration in
Egypt: The Experience of
Evacuation from the Suez
Canal Cities (1967-1976)
Arab Studies Quarterly,
a publication of the
Association of
Arab-American University
Graduates, Vol. 27, No.
National Council for
Women (2005)
A Future Perspective
Towards Illiteracy
Eradication in Egypt,
Hoda Rashad and Ramadan
Hamed, (Contributing
Rashad, Hoda and
Eltigani E. Eltigani
Fertility Decline in
Jones G. and M. Karim (eds),
Islam, the State and
Population, C. Hurst and
Co. (Publishers),
London. Pp.: 174-198.
Rashad, Hoda, Magued
Osman and Farzaneh
Roudi-Fahimi (2005)
in the Arab World”
Population Reference
Bureau, Washington
El Saadani, Somaya
(as a co-author) 2005
Illiterates Do Not Want to Attend Literacy Classes: Case
of Rural Egypt”
presented at the International Statistical Institute
Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Publications 2004
____________ (2004) “Social Security and Social Welfare” in Progress of
Arab Women, UNIFEM,
United Nations
Development Fund for
Women, Arab States
Regional Office. Pp:
___________(2004) “Social Risk Management in Egypt, in: Rising to the
Challenge: Regional
Crisis and Economic
Management in Egypt” H. Nassar and H. El Said (eds),
Center for Economic and
Financial Research and
Studies, Faculty of
Economics and Political
Science, Cairo
University and USAID.
__________ .
(2004) "Reproductive
Health Interventions in
Egypt: An Assessment
Study, Phase 1”.
Technical Report,
Egyptian Society for
Population Studies and
Reproductive Health and
Social Research Center
of the American
University in Cairo.
Abdel Aal, M.
H. (2004)
Owners, and Sugar Cane:
Law 96/1992 in Qena and
In Nicholas Hopkins and Reem Saad (eds).
Identity and Change in
Upper Egypt. Cairo:
American University in
Cairo Press. Pp:
Abdel Aal, Mohamed and Bush, Ray (2004)
Veiling Power in the
Egyptian Countryside:
Struggles for Land and
Rights. American
University in Cairo and
Leeds University. A
paper presented in the
Fifth Mediterranean
Social and Political
Research Meeting. 24-28
March 2004.
Center for Information and Computer systems, Faculty of Economic and
Political Science, Cairo
University, National
Population Council,
Research Management
Unit, Social Research
Center, American
University in Cairo,
USAID (2004)
of Marriage and Family
formation among Youth in
Hopkins, Nicholas and Reem Saad (eds) (2004) Upper
Egypt: Identity and
Cairo: American
University in Cairo
Khalil, K., M. Cherine, A. Elnoury, H. Sholkamy, M. Breebaart, N. Hassanein
Augmentation in and
Egyptian teaching
International Journal of
Gynecology and
Obstetric. Pp:
Labeeb, Shukreya, Samiha El Katsha, Susan Watts and Awatif Younis (2004)
of Informal Sector
Health Provider
Practices and the
Transmission of
Hepatitis C Virus: A
Pilot study in two
Egyptian Villages"
The Eastern
Mediterranean Health
Journal, WHO.
Langsten, Ray and Tahra Hassan (2004) ”Education for all” in Egypt: The
experience of the 1990s,
and prospects for the
future. proceedings of
the 11th AUC Research
“Quality Education
for Egypt: Achievements
and Challenges”,
held on March 28-29
2004, American
University in Cairo.
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2004)
Assessment of Using
IT in Literacy,
Hamed, Ramadan (Contributing Author).
Nassar, Heba (2004) “Rising to the Challenge: Regional Crisis and Economic
Management in Egypt”
Proceedings of the
Conference on “Rising to the
Challenge: Regional
Crisis and Economic
Management in Egypt”,
Center for Economic and
Financial Research and
Studies, Faculty of
Economics and Political
Science, Cairo
University and USAID.
Rashad, Hoda (2004) “Gender Equality: Achievements and Challenges” in
Progress of Arab Women, UNIFEM, United
Nations Development Fund
for Women, Arab
States Regional Office.
Pp: 23-120.
Saad, Reem (2004) “Social reproduction and social transformation: trade and
exchange in the Rural
South” In Nicholas
Hopkins and Reem Saad (eds). Identity and Change
in Upper Egypt.
Cairo: American
University in Cairo
Press. Pp: 233-249
Saad, Reem and Nicholas Hopkins (2004) “The Region of Upper Egypt: Identity
and Change”. In
Nicholas Hopkins and Reem Saad (eds).
Identity and Change in
Upper Egypt. Cairo:
American University in
Cairo Press. Pp: 1-23.
Sholkamy, Hania, Farah
Ghannam (ed) (2004) “Health
and Identity in Egypt”
Cairo: AUC Press.
Sholkamy, Hania (2004) “Constructing the Feminine ….. and the Masculine:
Child Rearing and
Identity” In Nicholas
Hopkins and Reem Saad (eds).
Identity and Change
in Upper Egypt.
Cairo: American
University in Cairo
Press. Pp: 191-211.
Simon Szreter, Hania
Sholkamy, and A,
Dharmalingam (eds)
Categories and
Anthropological and
Historical Studies in
Critical Demography,
IUSSP Oxford University
Talaat, Maha, Suzan
Watts, Shahinaz
Mekheimar, Heba Farouk
Ali, and Howaida Hamed.
(2004) “The Social
Context of Reproductive
Health in an Egyptian
Hamlet: a Pilot Study to
Identify Female Genital
Social Science and
Medicine. No. 58:
pp: 236-241.
World Education (2004)
Integrated Health and
Literacy, Hamed,
Ramadan, (Contributing
Zaky, Hassan (2004)
"Fertility Transition and
Female Rational Choices
in Egypt” Journal of
Health & Population in
developing Countries.
University of North
Zaky, H. H. M and B. El-Deeb.
(2004) “Impact of
Poverty in Egypt on
Women Health and
Acceptance of Family
Planning”. Research
Monograph series no 33,
Cairo Demographic
Center, Cairo, Egypt.
Volume 33.
"Reassessment of the
Economic Impact of Labor
Movement in Selected
Arab Countries".
Heba Nassar. In
Labor Movement in the
Arab Region. ESCWA.
Beirut. 2002. |
Poverty in Egypt: Human
Needs and Institutional
Capacities. By
Z. Nagi. Lexington
Books. Oxford. 2001 |
People and Pollution:
Cultural Constructions
and Social Action in
Egypt. By Nicholas
S. Hopkins,
Sohair R.
Mehanna, and Salah El-Haggar.
AUC Press. Cairo. 2001. |
"Socioeconomic Policies
and Poverty Alleviation
Programs in Egypt".
Co-edited by Heba Nassar.
Proceedings of the
Conference on
Socioeconomic Policies
and Poverty Alleviation
Programs in Egypt.
Center for Economic and
Financial Research and
Studies, Social Fund for
Development, United
Nations, and Social
Research Center of the
American University in
Cairo. Cairo. 2001. |
"Categorizing the
Need for Family
Planning: a Story of
Evolution". By
Laila El-Zeini.
In Categories and
Anthropological and
Historical Studies in
Critical Demography,
edited by Simon Szreter,
Hania Sholkamy and A.
Dharmalingam. Oxford
University Press. |
"Clustering of
Malnutrition among
Egyptian Children".
Laila El-Zeini. In
Perspectives on the
Population and Health
Situation in Egypt:
Further analysis of the
2000 Egypt Demographic
and Health Survey,
edited by Fatma El-Zanaty
and Ann Way. Ministry of
Health and Population,
National Population
Council, and ORC Macro. |
The New Arab Family/edited
by Nicholas S. Hopkins.
Contributors include the
following SRC staff:
Hoda Rashad,
Zeinab Khedr,
Hania El Sholkamy,
laila Shahd,
Laila El Zeini.
- Cairo papers
in social science ; v24,
no.2. |
The Social Context of
Reproductive Health in
an Egyptian Hamlet: A
Pilot Study ti Identify
Female Genital
Schistosomiasis. By Maha
Susan Watts,
Shahinaz Mekheimar, Heba
Farook Ali, Howaida
Hamed “Empowerment and
Activating NGOs in the
Rural Communities”
Abdel Aal, M. H. (2002) in Mohamed Allium (ed.) “Mondialisation et
Societes Rurales en Mediterranee” IRMC, Karthala, Tunis. (in
Status of Land Holding Before and
After the Implementation of
Law 1992/96" Abdel Aal, Mohamed H. (2001) A case study on “land
holding registry in tow villages of Upper Egypt”. In (eds.) Heba Nassar and Heba El Laithy
A Comprehensive List of Publications
from January 1998 until February 2002 (Bibliographic Entries) |
An Example