Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Department of Management School of Business, Economics and Communication
Professors: M. Abaza, S. Akabawy, H. El Sherif, S. Farag (chair), R. Fullerton, N.Hassan, T. Hatem, A.Mortagy (Dean of the school of Business, Economics and Communication) , E.Stuart, S.Youssef,
Associate Professors: M. Badran, C. Erdener, I.Hegazy, S. Imam, D. Rateb, S. Shabrawy, H.Yassin
Assistant Professors: M. Askar, K. Dahawy, Y. Hassan, S. Kamel. E. Tooma
The Department of Management offers two degree programs: The Bachelor of Accounting (BAC) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).
The Department of Management is dedicated to offering quality classroom instruction and to enhancing personal development through interaction among faculty and students. The faculty of the Department of Management maintain active involvement with the business community through applied research, consulting and training.
The programs of the Department of Management prepare undergraduates for careers in business in Egypt, the Middle East and the global community. Graduates leave the program with the knowledge and skills necessary to function as professionals, entrepreneurs, and visionary leaders in the complex organizations of the 21st century. Case studies, projects, and other pedagogical methods in most courses focus on organizations and the business environment in Egypt and the Middle East.
Additionally, the faculty and business leaders have developed a comprehensive list of competencies (values and attitudes, knowledge, and skills) that students of the Department of Management are expected to attain before graduation from the programs.
Academic advising is an integral part of the learning process in the Department of Management. The role of the academic advisor is to assist in making appropriate decisions about academic programs and career goals, provide academic information about AUC and its degree programs and suggest appropriate involvement in on-campus and off-campus experiential learning opportunities.
Bachelor of Accounting (BAC)
The world economy has entered an era of global interaction on a scale rarely experienced before. Financial markets in various parts of the world operate twenty-four hours a day as capital seeks involvement in this global economy. Countries that are still mostly agrarian are forming active stock markets. Trade agreements in the European community and North America, the breakup of the former Soviet Union, the emergence of China as an economic power and the commercial development of many countries in Southeast Asia and South America are just a few examples of the forces at work.
After a long period of indifference, there is currently a heightened interest in international accounting and auditing standards. Within developing countries, business enterprises must develop internal management controls that allow them to compete in a world market. The rapid, and sometimes startling, social, political, technological, and economic changes that are taking place in the world economy have led to increasing recognition of the key role that accounting and accountants in all countries play in the process of economic development. This recognition, in turn, emphasizes the need for quality accounting education which this major in accounting provides.
The objective of the Bachelor of Accounting degree is to provide conceptual and practical knowledge to graduates who will prepare, report and analyze economic and financial information used for making sound managerial decisions.
The number of students accepted in the Bachelor of Accounting program is limited. Students who intend to seek the Bachelor of Accounting degree should apply in their third semester and after completing not less than 27 credit hours of study.
Students must complete the following three courses before applying to the Bachelor of Accounting degree program: |
211 |
Financial Accounting, 3 cr. |
201 |
Introduction to Economics I, 3 cr. |
OR |
202 |
Introduction to Economics II, 3 cr. |
112 |
Statistical Reasoning, 3 cr. |
Based on the available space, a limited number of students who have successfully completed these courses and who meet the GPA requirements as determined by the department will be accepted in the major.
Students who seek the Bachelor of Accounting degree are not permitted to have a major or a minor in Business Administration. Students must complete a minimum of 127 credit hours for the Bachelor of Accounting degree.
Core Curriculum (40 credits)
Collateral Requirements
All students seeking a Bachelor of Accounting degree are required to complete the following collateral requirements (15 credits):
201 |
Introduction to Economics I, 3 cr. |
202 |
Introduction to Economics II, 3 cr. |
216 |
Mathematics for Economists, 3 cr. |
112 |
Statistical Reasoning, 3 cr. |
201 |
Information Technology, 3 cr. |
Business Core Requirements (33 credits)
211 |
Financial Accounting |
212 |
Managerial Accounting |
303 |
Business Finance |
301 |
Introduction to International Business |
300 |
Business Environment and Ethics |
307 |
Management Fundamentals |
311 |
Business Law |
480 |
Business Planning and Strategy |
302 |
Principles of Marketing |
305 |
Management of Information Systems |
310 |
Operations for Competitive Advantage |
Accounting Requirements (21 credits)
302 |
Intermediate Accounting I, 3 cr. |
303 |
Intermediate Accounting II, 3 cr. |
305 |
Advanced Accounting, 3 cr. |
405 |
International Accounting, 3 cr. |
406 |
Cost Accounting, 3 cr. |
407 |
Auditing, 3 cr. |
408 |
Tax Accounting, 3 cr. |
Finance Requirements (12 credits)
404 |
Business Finance II, 3 cr. |
415 |
Portfolio Theory and its Applications, 3 cr. |
424 |
Applied Banking, 3 cr. |
425 |
Topics in Financial Management |
Electives (0-3 credits)
A limited number of students are accepted into the accounting minor. Students who have completed ACCT 211 and ACCT 212 and who meet requirements including the GPA as determined by the department will be permitted to declare a minor and should plan their minor with their academic advisor with the approval of the department.
Students who have a minor in accounting are not permitted to have a minor in business administration.
The accounting minor consists of at least five courses (15 credits) two of which are required, and three are electives, as follows:
Required courses:
211 |
Financial Accounting, 3 cr. |
212 |
Managerial Accounting, 3 cr. |
Additional elective courses (at least three) from the following with approval of the advisor:
302 |
Intermediate Accounting I, 3 cr. |
303 |
Intermediate Accounting II, 3 cr. |
305 |
Advanced Accounting, 3 cr.. |
405 |
International Accounting, 3 cr.. |
406 |
Cost Accounting, 3 cr. |
407 |
Auditing, 3 cr. |
408 |
Tax Accounting, 3 cr. |
Bachelor of Business Administration
A successful economic future for Egypt and the Middle East is highly concerned with a basic understanding of the principles and practices of business as they apply to firms in a dynamic environment. The business administration curriculum provides students with a foundation in the liberal arts and sciences while enabling them to develop expertise in business management and practices. Major emphasis is placed on the role of business in Egypt and the Middle East.
The number of students accepted in the Bachelor of Business Administration program is limited. Students who intend to seek the BBA degree should apply in their third semester and after completing not less than 27 credit hours of study.
Students must complete the following three courses before applying to the Bachelor of Business Administration program:
211 |
Financial Accounting, 3 cr. |
201 |
Introduction to Economics I, 3 cr. |
OR |
202 |
Introduction to Economics II, 3 cr. |
112 |
Statistical Reasoning, 3 cr. |
Based on the available space, a limited number of students who have successfully completed these courses and who meet the GPA requirements as determined by the department will be accepted in the BBA degree program.
Students who seek the Bachelor of Business Administration degree are not permitted to have a major or a minor in accounting.
Students must complete a minimum of 127 credit hours for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with no more than 63 hours of courses in the business area.
Three options are available for students seeking a BBA degree:
1.BBA with a marketing concentration
2.BBA with a finance concentration
3.BBA with a general business concentration
Core Curriculum (43-46 credits)
Collateral Requirements: All students seeking a Bachelor of Business Administration degree must complete the following collateral requirements (15 credits)
202 |
Introduction to Economics I, 3 cr. |
202 |
Introduction to Economics II, 3 cr. |
216 |
Mathematics for Economists, 3 cr. |
112 |
Statistical Reasoning, 3 cr. |
201 |
Information Technology |
Business Core Requirements (33 credits)
211 |
Financial Accounting |
212 |
Managerial Accounting |
303 |
Business Finance |
301 |
Introduction to International Business |
300 |
Business Environment and Ethics |
307 |
Management Fundamentals |
311 |
Business Law |
480 |
Business Planning and Strategy |
302 |
Principles of Marketing |
305 |
Management of Information Systems |
310 |
Operations for Competitive Advantage |
Concentration Requirements (21 credits)
1. Marketing Concentration (21 credits)
Students seeking a concentration in marketing are required to take the following courses after they complete the business core: |
405 |
Marketing Research, 3 cr. |
410 |
Consumer-Buyer Behavior, 3 cr. |
412 |
International Marketing, 3 cr. |
480 |
Marketing Strategy, 3 cr. |
Also choose three of the following marketing elective courses:
408 |
Advertising and Promotion Management, 3 cr. |
411 |
Professional Selling and Sales Management, 3 cr. |
414 |
Services Marketing, 3 cr. |
416 |
E-Marketing, 3 cr. |
418 |
Principles of Public Relations, 3 cr. |
420 |
Advanced Marketing Research, 3 cr. |
470 |
Special Topics in Marketing, 3 cr. |
2. Finance Concentration (21 credits)
Students seeking a concentration in finance are required to take the following courses: |
406 |
Corporate Finance, 3 cr. |
407 |
Investment Analysis, 3 cr. |
425 |
Topics in Financial Management, 3 cr. |
424 |
Applied Banking, 3 cr. |
Also choose three of the followings finance elective courses |
415 |
Portfolio Theory and its applications, 3 cr. |
426 |
International Finance, 3 cr. |
412 |
Options and Derivatives, 3 cr. |
303 |
Money and Banking, 3 cr. |
3. General Business Concentrations (21 credits)
After completing the business core, students seeking a concentration in general business are required to take seven courses from at least five different functional areas, not to exceed two courses from any single area, at the 300 and 400 levels.
Areas for the General Business Concentration are accounting, finance, international business, management, marketing, management of information systems, and operations management.
Electives (12-15 credits)
Electives (8-23credits)
The minor in business administration is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts, models and techniques of the discipline. The number of students accepted in the minor is limited. Students who intend to minor in business are urged to apply during their senior year.
Students who minor in business administration are not permitted to have a minor in accounting.
The minor requires completion of six courses (18 credit hours). Students must complete the following three courses before applying to the minor in business:
211 |
Financial Accounting, 3 cr. |
307 |
Management Fundamentals, 3 cr. |
201 |
Introduction to Economics I, 3 cr. |
OR |
202 |
Introduction to Economics II, 3 cr. |
OR |
Students who have completed these three courses and who have been accepted in the minor are required to complete the following three additional courses: |
307 |
Fundamentals of Management, 3 cr. |
302 |
Principles of Marketing, 3 cr. |
303 |
Business Finance I, 3 cr. |
Minor In Information Systems
The study of information systems focuses on the need to improve systems for the benefit of individuals, organizations and society. It is concerned not only with the technical development of systems but also with the interface with people and business decision processes. The Information Systems minor aims to provide a supplementary course of study for students, who are taking a major in disciplines outside the Management and Computer Science departments.
Students who select a minor in MOIS understand the fundamental concepts of information processing and the relationship between the underlying technology and end-user applications. Equipped with this knowledge, they will be able to solve many computer and information related problems.
Students will learn systematic approaches to design information and technology solutions to contemporary problems; be able to develop skills for data and systems analysis; design and develop interactive, multimedia and web-based information applications; and have a strategic and technical understanding of networks and communications systems.
Students who minor in information systems are required to complete the following courses:
102 |
Introduction to Computers & their Applications, 3 cr. |
OR |
210 |
Information Technology, 3 cr. |
OR |
305 |
Office Technology Applications, 3 cr. |
430 |
Business Information Systems Analysis and Development, 3 cr. |
431 |
Management of Information Technology, 3 cr. |
CSCI 401/ MOIS 432 |
Internet-based Information Systems |
Enrollment in courses is limited, and priority is given to students seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration degree or the Bachelor of Accounting degree, students enrolling in courses specified as collateral requirements in other majors, and students who have declared business administration as a minor.
Accounting (ACCT) |
  | CourseNum |
CourseTitle |
211 |
Financial Accounting |
212 |
Managerial Accounting and Analysis I |
302 |
Intermediate Accounting I |
303 |
Intermediate Accounting II |
305 |
Advanced Accounting |
405 |
International Accounting |
406 |
Cost Accounting |
407 |
Auditing |
408 |
Tax Accounting |
Finance (FINC) |
International Business (INTB) |
Management |
Management of Information Systems (MOIS) |
Organization (MKTG) |
Production /Operation Management (OPMG) |
Public Administration (PADM) |