Upholding Journalistic Integrity
 During my coverage of the
Egyptian Revolution, my son
called me up from
Washington to tell me how lucky I have
been as a journalist –– being in the
right place at the right time. Working as
the Washington bureau chief of Al
Jazeera helped me in covering 9/11, and
today –– after 24 years of living in the
United States –– working in Egypt for
Al Arabiya, I was given the opportunity
to cover the 2011 Egyptian Revolution
as it happened.
During the revolution, I was also able
to highlight some taboo practices in the
Arab media when I felt that the
principles of fair and comprehensive
coverage were being compromised.
Working as a professor at AUC, I was
able, most importantly, to take
my journalistic experience to
the classroom, knowing that
AUC would respect my
integrity and right to speak up.
Coverage of the January
25th Revolution, of course,
differed from one channel to
the other. Government-owned
media in Egypt intimidated
balanced and fair journalists,
who were viewed as enemies
of the state. This reminded me
of George Bush's infamous
statement during the so-called
war on terror, "You're either
with us or against us." State
media also intimidated private
TV stations owned by
Egyptian businessmen who supported
the regime. All were asked to exhibit
Egyptian flags and "No to Sabotage"
images on the screen, relaying a subtle
message that those who support the
revolution are saboteurs. By the same
token, I'm dissatisfied with the current
rush to glorify everything about the
revolution, not speaking for the silent
majority who think that the
revolutionaries might have gone too
far on some fronts or that there could
have been another way of doing
things. This idea of applauding those in
power is against proper journalistic
practice. As journalists, our job is to tell
the truth and not favor one political
faction over the other. TV stations and
other media outlets should not
propagate any political agenda. You
can't be a journalist and a political
activist at the same time, nor can you
be a member of parliament and an
editor in chief. Journalists are like
members of a jury: disinterested yet
interested. Their primary duty is telling
the truth and presenting both sides of
the story, and then letting the audience
formulate its opinion.
In order for Egyptian media to
thrive, we need to listen to people
from different democratic countries on
media structure and ownership, be
exposed to various media models, and
pick and choose what suits us best.
New rules need to be established
within a proper system, where all are
held accountable to a people's
parliament and an elected government,
not to a certain political party. We also
need to dismantle government
ownership of the media, not just by
getting rid of the Ministry of
Information, but by empowering local
media and local politics.
At the Kamal Adham center, we are
trying to do just that. The Egyptian
Civil Society Project seeks to empower
and support civil society. The center
also plans to hold a conference, inviting
directors of radio and TV stations in all
governorates to give their views on
what we need to do to reform local
media. Building a new system with
new institutions in place is the path to
reform, and no matter where the road
takes us, a journalist's integrity is the
one thing that can never be
Hafez Al Mirazi is professor of practice
at AUC and director of the Kamal
Adham Center for Journalism Training
and Research.
Old and New Reasons for Optimism
Weeks before January 25,
I received a phone call
from a senior medical
school student in one of the
Egyptian Universities, saying she
wants to invite me to a panel
discussion at her University to speak
about the current state of affairs in
Egypt. She wanted me to particularly
address the problem of Egyptian
youth becoming increasingly
adamant about leaving Egypt upon
graduation and how hopeless they've
become about finding a job or a
decent living in their country.
I gladly accepted the invitation.
Using the Internet and phone calls
to invite fellow classmates, that
student –– who turned out to be
from Al Minya governorate
–– managed to arrange the
panel discussion at a
bookstore in Heliopolis, after
security personnel at her
University informed her that
I am not allowed to come
and that she may not
advertise for the event on
campus, even if it won't be
held on University grounds.
I must say, I admired her
persistence and strong
character. I was even more
impressed when I met her
personally and her fellow
classmates at the panel. They
were confident, eloquent and
good listeners. This gave me a
strong feeling of optimism about
Egypt's future.
One of the questions posed to me
during the discussion was whether
I am optimistic or pessimistic about
the future of Egypt and, without
hesitation, I replied that I'm optimistic
for the following reasons:
1) The situation in Egypt has become
so bad that it couldn't get any worse.
It could only get better.
2) Egypt's history throughout the
past 200 years has been characterized
by ups and downs, moving forward
and then taking steps backwards.
Every progressive phase began at a
better starting point than the
preceding phase. The recent downhill
period, which extended for 30, and
some may say 40, years had to come
to an end.
3) The four years between the defeat
of the Egyptian and Arab armies in
the 1948 Palestine war and the 1952
Egyptian Revolution were
characterized by corruption and
political turmoil, which increased
people's sense of hopelessness. These
feelings were swiftly transformed into
happiness and optimism with the
breakout of the revolution in 1952.
We should not underestimate the
psychological change that could take
place overnight with the onset of
positive changes in the Egyptian
ruling system.
4) Even though there are difficulties,
we must acknowledge the positive
changes that have taken place and that
pave the way for remarkable things to
happen. These changes include the
spread of education (even if it's not of
a good standard), women going out
to work and playing a much bigger
role in Egyptian social life, and the
increased interaction of Egyptian
youth with the outside world.
Everything that happened from
January 25 to February 11 showed me
that I was justified in my optimism
and made this optimism even
stronger. Slogans of "Hold Your Head
Up High; You're an Egyptian"
resonated throughout the country. We
saw Egyptian youth of all social classes
cleaning up the streets and washing
statues, marking the beginning of a
new era in Egyptian history.
Galal Amin is professor emeritus at
AUC. This is a summary and translation
of an Arabic article written by Amin and
published in Al Shorouk newspaper on
February 18, 2011.
Is This a Facebook Revolution?
Photographed by Ahmad El-Nemr
The process that unraveled in
Egypt starting January 25 of
this year took everyone,
including activists and scholars, by
storm. No one thought that what
started as a call to dismiss the
minister of interior would end up
ousting the president, especially that
such demonstrations have been called
for regularly and never managed to
gather more than a few hundred
protestors at best. The unexpected
turnout and the outcome that
followed prompted euphoria, but also
misleading analysis of where this
"revolution," or more accurately
"uprising," came from. The idea that
this is a "Facebook Youth
Revolution" is not only
naïve and misleading, but,
more importantly, dangerous
for how we understand the
prospects for future
mobilization and change.
While the
revolution from cell phones
to social media networks,
such as Facebook and
Twitter, has compressed
time, space and cost of
mobilization, these tools
have existed and have been
used for political purposes
long before the 25th.
Moreover, in Egypt, with
more than 40 percent of the
population living under the poverty
line and more than 30 percent of
adults being illiterate, it is difficult
to assume that the majority of
protestors even use Facebook.
Rather, any student or close
observer of Egypt can easily
understand that what happened
since the 25th was a culmination of
different forms of mobilization over
the past several years: the cumulative
effect of protest movements against
the war on Iraq in 2003 and Gaza
in 2008, the rise of the
prodemocracy movement with
Kefaya in 2004 - 2005, the labor
protests that started in Mahalla in
2006 and spread throughout Egypt
to include more than 1.7 million
participants since then, and finally
the anti-sectarian protests that
peaked after the church bombing in
Alexandria early this year.
Each of those movements brought
us closer to the 25th by bringing
people together to break the fear
barrier, politicizing them over
specific issues that they care most
about, re-instating the dynamics of
collective resistance and active
expression against different forms of
abuse (social, political or economic),
and exposing the regime's exploitive
policies on all those fronts. This
revolution was not only about
middle and upper class youth in
Tahrir Square who rightfully want
another president, but it was also
about young and older people in
Cairo, Suez, Arish and Beni Soueif
who do not want to have to die in
lines for bread, water or medical care,
or to be abused in police stations, or
to have to take their children out of
school to earn a living.
Such a clear understanding of the
uprising is necessary for it to be a
complete revolution. It is important
because it allows us to appreciate the
continued forms of mobilization and
protests, not only in Tahrir, but also
in factories, villages and popular
neighborhoods, over socioeconomic
rights. It is extremely important to
help us understand that a democratic
transition is not only limited to free,
fair and regular elections –– which
are key –– but also includes the issue
of citizenship, which comprises
socioeconomic and civil rights.
Rabab El Mahdi '96, '98 is assistant
professor of political science at AUC.
What's in a Name?
 Photographed by Ahmad El-Nemr
January 25 has already lent itself to
the name of the Egyptian
Revolution of 2011 that saw the
downfall of one of the oldest serving
Arab tyrants. Prior to the revolution,
the 25th of January was known as
Police Day, commemorating a 1952
incident when the British army
besieged the Egyptian police station
in the city of Ismailia on the Suez
Canal in a bloody confrontation that
left more than 50 Egyptian policemen
dead. When news of the massacre
reached Cairo the following day, the
city rose in flames, and many British
and European businesses were
attacked. Six months later, when the
Free Officers staged their coup that
deposed King Farouk and launched
the Egyptian republic, January 25 was
declared a national holiday in honor
of the heroic stance adopted
by the Egyptian police against
the foreign occupier.
Fifty nine years later,
whatever national credentials
the Egyptian police might
have had were completely
lost. Instead, the Egyptian
police became a prime tool
for Mubarak to tighten his
grip on society, stifle free
expression, arraign and
torture opposition figures, and
suppress political opposition.
The naming of al-Galaa
Bridge resembles another
irony. This bridge was initially
called Kubri al-Ingiliz, the
English Bridge, and it
acquired its new name (which
translates as Evacuation) following
the 1954 withdrawal of the last
British soldier from Egyptian soil,
thus ending a 72-year long
occupation. Yet, it was on al-Galaa
Bridge that I found myself during
the revolution confronting not any
foreign occupation force, but the
Egyptian police, which was supposed
to protect me and my fellow citizens.
Even the name of that now worldfamous
square, Tahrir, was not devoid
of irony. Originally named Ismailia
Square after Khedive Ismail who is
credited with designing modern
Cairo, the square was renamed
Tahrir, or Liberation, by the Free
Officers regime in 1955 to
commemorate the withdrawal of
British troops the previous year and
to signal the revolutionary regime's
pledge to help with the wider Arab
anti-colonial struggle. Yet, it was that
same regime which, instead of
liberating Palestine as it promised in
1967, ended up losing the entire
Sinai Peninsula in a catastrophic
defeat. Furthermore, under the Sadat
and Mubarak regimes, Egyptians felt
far removed from the lofty ideals
espoused by that square's name, as
they found themselves humiliated,
downtrodden and besieged in their
own homeland.
The Egyptian Revolution is still
young, and the Arab Spring is still in
its early days. The road ahead is
bumpy, and the path to democracy
will be difficult. Nevertheless, the
path to dignity and self-respect that
Arab peoples have started to tread is
irreversible. The Egyptian
Revolution, just like the Tunisian
Revolution that inspired it and the
numerous Arab uprisings that it now
inspires, are all proof that we are
witnessing a new Arab awakening.
The tahrir that Egyptians and
millions of other Arabs are aspiring
to is a liberation not from foreign
occupation, but from domestic
tyranny; and the galaa they are
seeking is not the withdrawal of
foreign troops, but the departure of
their own domestic despots. The
creativity and talent that young Arabs
have exhibited in these uprisings are
clear signs that the Arab peoples have
regained their self-respect and have
rediscovered what it means to write
their own histories and to chart their
own destinies.
Khaled Fahmy '85, '88 is chair of the
history department at AUC.
100 Yards from Liberty (Tahrir) Square
Photographed by Ahmad El-Nemr I happen to live about 100 yards
from an entry point to Tahrir
Square, between the British and
American embassies. Consequently,
I had the privilege of seeing the stream
of events and even hearing many of the
sentiments of the crowd on the square.
For me personally, the evidence of
public control of the agenda came early
in a response from a group of young
demonstrators whom my son brought
up to our apartment as the first curfew
was announced. When I suggested that
the group sleep over since the curfew
had come into effect, the resounding
response was, "Who decides that there
is a curfew? It is our country, and we
shall demonstrate until we are heard."
A few minutes later, they were out
again on the street.
Since events unfolded in
Egypt, demonstrations have
broken out in Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria
and Iran. No situation is
identical to the other, and each
has its own reasons and genesis,
although they all share a strong
yearning for good governance.
However, once again political
and social trends in Egypt, now
calling for greater accountability
and better governance, are
resonating throughout the Arab
world. The political processes
that will be witnessed in Egypt
will continue to do so. And,
therefore, they must be done
properly, not only for Egypt's
benefit, but for that of the Arab world
as a whole.
I do not doubt that the
democratization of Egypt and the Arab
world is supported as a matter of
principle by democratic countries
throughout the world. Nevertheless,
even democratic countries waiver
when standing on principle may
appear –– at least in the short term ––
to be costly politically in terms of
security and/or economically. I have
followed numerous debates amongst
Americans, Europeans and Israelis. All
of these are understandably anxious,
be it those concerned with bilateral
relations or those focused and
interested in ensuring a sustained flow
of reasonably priced oil.
My response to all of them is that
Arabs, Muslims and Middle Easterners
are as human as all of you, no more so
or no less. Like you, they will strive
domestically, regionally and
internationally to achieve their rights
and to be treated equally. As democratic
processes gain traction in the Middle
East, the people in the region will not
become more Arab or change strategic
policy rapidly. However, needless to say,
they will become less tolerant toward
double standards, inequity, usurpation of
their rights and freedoms; more
demanding, not only of their
government, but also of the world.
In short, strategically, the Arab world
should have about the same objectives
for its region that other peoples have
for themselves. Hopefully, they will be
more engaged internationally and less
dependent on foreign powers. If
non-Arab Middle Eastern states
engage seriously in efforts to resolve
regional problems on the basis of
equal rights and responsibilities, I see
no reason for them to fret or to
worry. If international players promote
democracy and equality, not only in
the domestic affairs of states, but
amongst nation states themselves in
the international arena, here again,
I see no reason for serious concern.
As the voice of the people exercising
their democratic rights is heard more
clearly in each of the countries of the
Arab world, the same voices will also
be heard with greater clarity and
resolve in the day-to-day practice of
international relations.
Nabil Fahmy '74, '77 is dean of AUC's
School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
and former ambassador of Egypt to the
United States and Japan. A longer version of
this article was first published in The
Huffington Post on March 10, 2011.
Development 2.0
Beyond Technology: Egypt's Revolution and the Paradigm Shift
 Photographed by Ahmad El-Nemr
This revolution has no
leader." This has been
the sentiment among
January 25th youth, a sea of young
men and women who formed virtual
communities held together by a sense
of purpose. Bearing diverse
ideologies, in some cases none, this
tsunami of fresh brains and talent
shared and pooled information and
convictions in parallel with their
work –– and that of others –– on the
ground. Their strive for freedom
echoed loudly in their tweets,
pounded adamantly on Facebook
walls and hammered vigorously in
their viral phone text messages. These
are the homegrown digital voices
whose roots were implanted
in blogs and forums that
started earlier in the decade
and set the stage for a vibrant
world of digital activism.
Yet, digital activists were
but one cohort of the
revolutionaries. The digital
voice may have initiated a
spark, but the fire quickly
spread, extending beyond
the digital arena. From
critical mass to masses, it
eventually encompassed
Egyptians from all walks of
life: young, old, rich, poor,
man, woman, Christian,
Muslim. It swept the nation,
eventually toppling one of
the most rigid hierarchical
dictatorships in history.
In economics, it has been argued
that information technologies,
particularly the Internet, have taken
economies closer to perfect
competition. Indeed, with many
buyers and sellers, better flow of
information, and freedom of entry
and exit, the Internet is said to have
created new opportunities to
empower the small player ––
individual, firm or state. At the other
end, the consumer is said to have
acquired a stronger voice. Such
progressive economic trends have
brought about new collaborative,
horizontal, flatter business structures,
as opposed to rigid hierarchical ones
that have dominated the economic
arena for long.
And so is Egypt's revolution doing
to the realm of nation rebuilding.
Egypt's revolution is indeed a
manifestation of this paradigm in the
world ofWeb 2.0.
The power of the Internet, Web 2.0
in particular, is in giving a voice to
the small player and an immediate
tool to voice it. While this revolution
starts off as an outburst of anger
against the status quo, its logic
survives this moment to support a
much longer process of building.
The term Revolution 2.0 has been
coined to emphasize the role of
collaboration in the success of the
Egyptian Revolution. A better term
that has been circulating
appropriately, with no one in
particular to quote, is Egypt 2.0.
Egypt needs to be built from the
bottom up, literally and figuratively,
in that the collaborative models that
have proven successful in bringing
down the hierarchical dictatorship be
applied to developing the country.
We are grateful to technology for
facilitating this discourse and to the
youth for bringing it to the ground.
But we are now at the point where
the building of Egypt and the
governance of the process are to be
done organically, bottom-up,
homegrown. It is not Revolution 2.0.
It is Egypt 2.0, and more precisely,
Development 2.0.
Nagla Rizk '83, '87 is associate
professor of economics, associate dean of
graduate studies and research at the
School of Business, and director of
AUC's Access to Knowledge for
Development Center. |